Daily Research News Online no. 27262

Searchmetrics’ Tober Moves to Front New Innovation Lab

December 10 2018

Berlin-based SEO and analytics software firm Searchmetrics has announced that founder Marcus Tober will pass his CTO responsibilities over for the moment to Chief Executive Volker Smid, freeing up Tober to run the firm’s newly founded Market Innovation Lab.

The lab’s developers and data scientists will work on new search solutions, including tackling ‘the toughest problems faced by clients who run campaigns on Google, Bing and other platforms as well as the technical search engine optimization experts and the marketing community’. Tober (pictured) will lead a team of six instead of his current 90, and says he hopes the resulting freedom will allow him to accomplish much in 2019. He comments: ‘What fascinates me is data science and how to apply data and knowledge to solve real problems in search… I now want to work on deep-machine-learning techniques to make SEOs and decision makers smarter’.

The company, which says it will soon launch a new update of its Searchmetrics Suite software, has no immediate plans to appoint another CTO.

The company’s home page is at www.searchmetrics.com .

All articles 2006-18 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas.

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