Data centers can learn sustainability from the cloud

Everyone wants a green data center, also known as a sustainable data center. There are both policy and technology pushes in this emerging space, such as countries that are encouraging voluntary reduction of a data center’s carbon footprint. For instance, Finland will be announcing a lower energy tax for data centers that show a certain degree of greenness. The big advantage of having data centers in colder climates is that not as much power is needed for cooling. If it’s five degrees outside, just open a window.

Today, there is a small industry around building and running green data centers. This includes intelligent power management, with some systems driven by AI engines. Some unique solutions involve using the heat generated by data centers to provide heat to surrounding communities or submerging data center “pods” in water to cool them. 

However, we may be on the wrong paths. Green technology is table stakes these days for any modern data center that needs to drive cost optimization. Even with new tech that makes power, cooling, and water use more efficient, we’re not getting to the heart of the problem. 

What’s that, you may ask?

At the root of data center overconsumption of power is the use of too much data center space in the first place. Look closer, and you’ll see applications and data stores that do not operate in energy-efficient ways, and require too much processor, memory, network, data storage, and other core services. In other words, they are engineered in inefficient ways that require much more resources than they should use in the first place. 

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Of course, nobody is suggesting that we force developers to dig in their code and databases to second guess design decisions, but there are some other things we can do:

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