Don’t Overlook These Important Pieces of Expert Small Business Advice

Running a business requires you to juggle so many different tasks — it can be easy to overlook certain things. You might not realize that your insurance coverage isn’t sufficient or that your entire sales model could be improved with a simple tweak. Luckily, members of the online small business community have plenty of insights to help you avoid these faux pas. Here are some tips to help your small business succeed.

Fill in Coverage Gaps with Professional Liability Insurance

If your business has general liability insurance, you may still not be covered in every situation. But professional liability insurance can serve to fill in some of those gaps for entrepreneurs in certain industries. In this post, the team at USA Business Insurance explains the difference between these two types of plans and how to make sure you’re covered.

Consider the Benefits of a Subscription Model

There are plenty of different ways that businesses can sell products and services. Subscription models and becoming increasingly popular in certain industries. And in this post, Fred Stutzman outlines how one company drove significant growth using this strategy.

Create Lifetime Customer with These Strategies

Customer loyalty is important for any business. But you shouldn’t settle just for loyal customers when you can create lifetime customers. In this Content Marketing Institute post, Jodi Harris shares some ideas for cultivating and nurturing those relationships within your own customer base.

Avoid These Networking Mistakes

Meeting people and making connections is important to the growth of any small business. But some entrepreneurs make missteps that could cost them. Amy Kinnaird discusses some of the most common mistakes in this post on the Work at Home Woman. Then see what BizSugar members are saying about the post here.

Get Even Greater Benefits from Testimonials

Every business owner loves to see a five star review or a thumbs up on social media. But few business owners actually do enough to really make an impact with those positive sentiments. In this post, Susan Solovic suggests some ways that businesses can encourage even more in the way of positive customer testimonials and offers tips for making a real impact with those sentiments.

Get a Reseller License for Your Retail Business

If you have a brick and mortar store or ecommerce business, then you may be able to benefit from a reseller license. This allows you to avoid certain taxes when purchasing items wholesale for the purpose of reselling them. Nellie Akalp elaborates on the concept in this CorpNet post.

Choose the Best Sales and Marketing Tools

If you want to have the most effective sales and marketing strategy possible, you need to be able to find the tools that best fit with your needs. In this DIY Marketers post, Ivana Taylor speaks with Small Business Trends CEO Anita Campbell to discuss some of the methods you can use to identify useful tools for your business.

Use These Content Hacks for Boring Businesses

If your business falls into a “boring” niche, you might think that you can’t make use of content marketing. But there are actually plenty of ways you can leverage this tactic, as Sam Hurley outlines in this post on the Post Funnel blog. Members of the BizSugar community also shared thoughts on the post here.

Read These Marketing Books to Better Understand and Reach Your Customers

Marketing is a huge topic for any business to cover. So if you want to really dive deep into the tools and processes that work, it can help to read books from the expert. This Process Street post by Adam Henshall includes a huge list of titles you can add to your own reading list.

Keep Up with Facebook Changes

Facebook is constantly evolving to keep up with the needs of users. So that means marketers using the platform also have to adapt to those changes constantly. In this TopRank Marketing post, Anne Leuman details some of the most recent Facebook changes and explains what businesses need to do to keep up.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: [email protected]

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