Going All-in on AI – Business 2 Community

Artificial intelligence has taken the tech industry by storm and everyone wants in. In the words of Jeremy Achin, CEO of Boston-based enterprise AI unicorn DataRobot, “Everyone knows you have to have machine learning in your story or you’re not sexy.”

As tech PR pros, we’re constantly in pursuit of that “sexy” story that represents the next technology innovation. So naturally, the March team is all-in on AI, helping industry leaders in Boston and beyond to stake their claim in the conversation. It’s a huge opportunity, as AI is infiltrating virtually every industry from healthcare to manufacturing, to automotive, education and everything in between. Who wouldn’t want to create, finetune and share those stories?

Earlier this month, we celebrated an exciting milestone when not one, but two of our AI clients – Emotion AI leader Affectiva and enterprise AI for manufacturing company Noodle.ai – were included on Forbes’ inaugural AI 50 list. For our clients, and the other companies that made the cut – including our AI neighbors in Boston, pathology innovator PathAI, and weather technology company ClimaCell – earning a coveted spot on Forbes’ list is a testament to their technology and vision for the future.

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To earn this kind of recognition from a top tier media outlet, or a speaking slot at a must-attend industry event, it’s not enough to simply say you have AI. As companies across industries jump on the AI bandwagon, the media landscape has become extremely saturated. And despite the hype, there are still many questions about how AI will impact us – both personally and professionally – that demand answers from the companies at the helm.

Now more than ever, AI organizations need distinct and effective PR and storytelling strategies to cut through the noise, communicate differentiators and address questions and concerns about a future in which we’ll increasingly be surrounded by AI.

I recently took to PR News to share some of March’s top tips to help AI companies stand out from the crowd and meaningfully connect with their audiences, whether B2B or consumer. Check out the article for more insight into how we partner with clients to shape and share stories of how AI will change our future.

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