How Should You Price a Blogging eBook?

I read a post on the Warrior Forum a few minutes ago related to selling eBooks.

People seem to slam into confusion when pricing blogging eBooks for Amazon Kindle.

Contorting like a gymnast, going high and low, testing and tweaking based on sales and feedback.

Few folks feel clear on pricing as a self-publishing newbie. I worried a bunch during my early days as a self-publishing Young Turk. But I did find solid pricing points after some trial, some error and clarity finding.

Follow these tips to price your blogging eBook.

1: Stay in the Ballpark

Price your eBook in the ballpark of other eBooks related to your niche.

For a blogging tips blogger, aim for the price range of $0.99 to $6.99 to find your ideal price.

Being in the ballpark helps you price with clarity and confidence. Going too low means you do not accept your worth. Going too high feels too uncomfortable to embrace. Find that just right spot to sell with confidence and ease.

Visit Amazon dot com. Query keywords related to your blogging niche. Scan eBooks. Record prices. Stick around the neighborhood to avoid any leap of faith, or to avoid underselling yourself.

Stay in the ballpark.

2: Get out of Your Head

Get out of your head. Avoid the common error crippling most bloggers trying to price eBooks; analysis paralysis.

$3.99 sounds good. No wait a sec; not enough dough. Maybe pricing at $7 works. Yeah that sounds good. Nope. Too expensive. But 99 cents is too cheap. Way too cheap. But is $5 enough? Or too much?

This is the common pricing analysis paralysis flowing through the mind of the self-publishing blogger. I have been there. But as someone who overcame this manic panic…..get out of your head!

Pick a price in the ballpark. Sell the eBook at the price. Be at peace with the eBook price.

Do not analyze or turn ideas over in your head for days or weeks.

If you sell something helpful and price in the ballpark people will buy it.

3: Do Money Homework

Bloggers tend to do a terrible job pricing and selling eBooks because they have money fears aka limiting beliefs. Even if you create helpful content and eBooks you cannot price an eBook effectively if you feel unclear on money.

Number 1; you won’t charge your worth. Low balling is a common problem among the self-publishing set. People with money fears often charge a pittance for their eBooks because they fear not being enough or that their eBook offers not enough value or that nobody will pay money for their eBooks.

But working on your money blocks helps you get clearer on your pricing because you will feel calm, confident and A-OK on the prices you charge. No waffling, no pulling back and no changing your mind over reasonable time frames if you feel good charging a certain price.

4: Let Ample Time Pass Before Changing Prices

Some bloggers base pricing solely on sales generated.

This is a bad idea over a day to day or week to week time frame.

Sales fluctuate on a day to day or week to week basis. Changing prices too frequently confuses customers, creates little continuity and turns off potential readers.

Minimum, observe testing trial periods month over month. Give yourself a one month stretch before observing sales and changing prices.

Or if you are like me, give virtually no thought to sales and simply get clear on a price, leave it at that and focus on creating helpful content and building strong connections. Sales will grow over time.

If you are new to the self-publishing game buy my eBook:

7 Tips for First Time eBook Authors

How do you price your eBooks?

What tips can you add to this list?

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