How To Handle Increased Blogging Responsibilities To Become Even More Successful

How To Handle Increased Blogging Responsibilities To Become Even More Successful

11:52 AM on a Sunday.

Lunch awaits.

As I sit down to write this post I am handling increased blogging responsibilities daily. More interview requests through email. More interview requests through HARO. More guest posts. More blog posts to read and comment on.

How do I handle these increased blogging responsibilities to become an even more successful blogger?

Watch this video as I discuss the concept of release in great detail:


Since things began to pop with my blog – I mean to *really* pop – I had to release a number of blogging tasks. Or I had to modify a few of my blogging strategies. If I wanted to expand my presence quickly and help more folks.

Example: I figured out that removing my customary “Hello John Doe” greeting, my thanks and signing off with my name on every blog comment saves me 30 to 45 minutes every day. I volume comment. In case you were wondering.

That 30 to 45 minutes is a guest post on Blogging Tips. That 30 to 45 minutes is 1-3 interviews, or a client call, or time I use to effectively promote 1 or all of my 126 eBooks and 4 blogging courses.

As increased responsibility flows your way, let go the old or worn out activities or streamline activities to make room for increased success.

Podcast Interview Request

I just responded to an interview request from a podcaster who runs a well known show. I accepted. Of course. But if I were so busy tailoring my blog comments in my old fashion I may not have reached and read that email for another 24 to 48 hours. By that time, who knows if I am nailing down the cherished interview?

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I had to release my old way of doing things to see even greater success. Even if releasing felt highly uncomfortable. Just the way it works.


Releasing blogging activities you need to release often involves some form of leveraging.

I used to create 1 piece of genuine content across multiple platforms online. Now I simulcast both Facebook Live and Periscope videos simultaneously. I download the Facebook Live video to my laptop. I then upload the video to YouTube.

This is leveraging. This is using my time effectively. This required me to release the idea that I should create a new piece of content on different platforms.

Again, to become even more successful when your blogging responsibilities increase you need to let something go to make an even greater impact in less time.

The Scary Part

Being a new, focused, time-managing, efficient blogger feels scary sometimes. Because being this person requires you to let go who you have been. If you built your reputation exclusively on writing 5 to 10 paragraph comments on top blogs you may fear losing your identity, your reputation and your brand impact when the 10 paragraph comments become 2 paragraph comments.

I know; I am that guy.

I also know that diving into this fear helped me see: the person who left 10 paragraph comments on top blogs was me *3 years ago.* It ain’t who I am today. Growth. Expansion. Being a different person.

Simple blogging evolution. Releasing old responsibilities to make room for new, ever-expanding, freeing and inspired responsibilities that are making a beeline for you.

Your Turn

This highly freely but sometimes terribly uncomfortable practice requires you to let go or modify older, worn out blogging responsibilities to make room for new, exciting, freeing and inspired blogging responsibilities.

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How are you doing in this department? Are you afraid to let go what you clearly know you have outgrown? How can you better release what you need to release to become a more successful blogger?

What old blogging tasks have you successfully released?

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