How to Increase Blog Traffic: Invest Money in Your Blog

I just spent a few days in a million dollar apartment overlooking Manhattan in New York City.

My wife Kelli and I landed a house sit in this stunning place.

The owner likely paid millions of dollars to enjoy this jaw-dropping view of the Upper West Side, one of the most expensive neighborhoods on the face of the earth.

Look at the featured image above.

See what I mean?

Like the apartment owner, you will need to invest money in your blog to enjoy the best views of your blogging niche. If you want steady blog traffic, consistently increasing blogging profits and if you flat out want to become a full time, professional blogger, spending money on certain elements of your blog will gradually expand your online success.

You’ll never enjoy the view from the top by being a cellar dweller and you will never drive consistent blog traffic by spending no money (or peanuts) on your blog.

Why this Works

If you spend money on your blog by investing in premium hosting, a premium theme, a CDN and in other valued investments, you will emit a clear, confident, professional image that resonates with readers.

Your blog will load quickly. You will impress folks with a premium or bespoke theme.

Folks will happily share your posts with their followings which increases your blog traffic quickly.

On a deeper level, consider the energetic component of being a professional blogger even before you make money through your blog.

Think of it this way: if you have the clarity and confidence to spend money on your blog to set it up properly you have paid some of your tuition aka online dues toward becoming a pro, full time blogger.

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

If you are afraid to spend money on your blog you cannot afford to give into this fear.

Almost every new or struggling blogger resists spending money for fear of wasting money when things are tight financially because they believe deep down that they will fail anyway.

This is the exact time where you need to feel the fear of dropping dollars on your blog and spend money anyway.

The fears you experience are liars, traitors and deceivers. Do not cower to liars. Do not worry about traitors. Do not believe deceivers.

Spend money to boost your blog traffic.

Spend money to make money.

Sharing Increases = Blog Traffic Increases

Readers share quick-loading, professional-looking, value-laden blogs with their friends via social media, interviews and features.

If someone digs your content because it is helpful and presents itself in an easy to read and digest format, that someone shares the content freely across multiple channels.

Freely shared content become highly visible content which means heavy blog traffic.

People love seeing a fast-loading, branded theme. Investing money in premium hosting, a premium or bespoke theme and a reliable CDN is a gateway to increase blog traffic.

Pro Bloggers Invest Money in their Business

Spend money on your blog.

Be a pro blogger. Even before you see evidence of being a pro blogger.

Grow your blog traffic and business.

Professional bloggers invest money in their blog because this cyber real estate is like a corner store, a retail outlet or any brick and mortar business.

I have never heard of any successful entrepreneur who avoided paying a dime to fund their business.

Bloggers are fortunate; you can bootstrap and build a thriving blogging business on hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars a year. Many other business ventures require tens of thousands of dollars or more.

Serious bloggers spend money to convey a positive brand image, to improve the user experience and to increase blog traffic and profits.

Drop a dime now to make $100 in the future.

Drop $120 or $240 a year or more on premium hosting to become a full time, pro blogger who either travels the world or lives comfortably in your home town.

Your Turn

Are you spending money on your blog?

Can you see why dropping some dough helps boost your blog traffic?


I explain why spending money on your blog is a surefire way to increase your blog traffic via this video in NYC:

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