How to Increase Blog Traffic: The Missing Link


Or, energy management.

I am not beating around the blogging bush today. If you struggle to increase your blog traffic you always have an energy problem. Here’s why: any lack or limitation or struggle roots itself in your fears. If you did not have those heavy fears, traffic would flow in like NYC Times Square during rush hour.

But since you cling to some heavy fears – aka fear energies – you need to face, embrace and release those fears through energy management.


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I explain the concept behind energy management and why it is the missing link in driving your blog traffic.

Why It Works

No matter how things appear to be it’s all simply energy.

We live in a world of energy. Even though you take action and follow tips, the energy behind the actions means everything.

When you vibe high, blogging from an energy of love, generosity and kindness, helping people freely, massive torrents of traffic flow to your blog.

Ever notice how successful bloggers seem to be free givers? These folks don’t fear wasting their time, and don’t fear giving freely and getting nothing in return. They give. Generously. Which is why they receive generously too.

Why the Missing Link?

If you are like most bloggers, you wonder why you struggle to drive blog traffic after following proven tips for weeks or months.

Stop wondering; now you know you have an energy problem. Namely, fear is your predominant vibe.

You cannot do things from fear, lack and limitation and run a successful blog. Impossible. But since you know the missing link you can clear the fear to blog from a loving, fun, creative, generous energy.

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Practical Tips Are Useless if You Work from a Fear Energy

You can follow every successful blogging tip to a “T” but if your energy screams fear, you will get terrible results.

Think of this analogy; fire can either be used constructively to heat your home or to cook your food, or fire can be used destructively to burn your house down. How you use the fire is your choice, based on your intent, and mindfulness.

Love and Fun Allow in Traffic

Vibing from a fun loving, generous, playful space allows traffic to flow to you easily.

I drive steady traffic to Blogging From Paradise because I write thousands of guest posts, hundreds of posts on my blog, plus I create thousands of videos and a bunch of podcasts and yep, I also help folks across a wide range of platforms too.

I have the energy to do these things – we all do – because I vibe mainly from love, and fun. This versus my lean days when I vibed predominantly from fear, lack and limitation.

I made the shift by managing my energy.

Energy Management Tips

The missing link requires you to do some energy management on waking and throughout your day.

I’d suggest that you meditate on waking. Consider doing yoga too. Both practices expand your awareness, dissolve fear blocks and help you let go the lower energies so you can vibe higher and blog from the energies of love and fun.

Exercise daily. Even 30 minutes of walking is a fabulous energy management tool.

Surround yourself with heart-centered, loving, successful bloggers only.

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Take short, frequent breaks during your blogging work day. Observe your vibe to ensure that the morning’s inspiration hasn’t turned into desperation.

Leave your comfort zone regularly. If you are not persistently doing new, fun, exciting things that will grow your blogging business, you are sitting in a prison of your fears, being firmly ensconced inside of your comfort zone.

Your Turn

Have you discovered this missing link?

How do you raise your blogging energy?

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