How to Knife through the Awkwardness of Charging for Premium Products and Services

A few moments ago I received a message from someone I’d helped on a website.

The individual wanted to connect with me through a 3rd party chat app for answering a bunch more questions they had.

I politely responded with a link to my coaching page and noted how reading my blog offers the individual ample free resources to answer most if not all questions they may have.

Today I feel clear, calm and at ease sending such messages. Years ago? Different story.

Awkward Feelings

I felt so incredibly awkward years ago when someone asked me for free help. One part of me wanted to generously offer my know-how to aid these folks. Another part of me said to send ’em my coaching or courses page.

I struggled with uncomfortable feelings on my own but these emotions strengthened the moment said folks triggered me more deeply, either complaining about paying money for my services or vanishing from the face of the earth any time I noted “premium”, indicating a severe case of the cheapies on their part.

Do you want to know how I dealt with the awkwardness of charging for my products and services? I felt the awkward, uncomfortable feelings around the interactions, all of which seemed rooted in my money fears.

Fear and Money and Blogging

Most humans grow up being imprinted with untrue, fear-based ideas concerning money. Money does not grow on trees. Money is in short supply. Rich people are greedy. Being poor is just and spiritual.

All bull crap, of course.

Money is just a means of exchange. It’s only money; an energy people exchange for products or services.

But cutting through the awkward feelings you feel when charging for a product or service involves feeling fears related to money, your self worth, your discomfort in receiving money, deeper worthiness issues, deserving issues, and the general madness humans cling to regarding this neutral means of exchange.

I had ample fears around money but dove into the fears, felt these energies and eventually felt clear charging for my products and services. I saw it as just money. Or, I fixed my mind on the idea that it is only money. No big deal. Not a problem, nor an issue, and the exchange energy is not running out any time soon.

My Realization

I also realized that by clearing money fears and awkwardness in charging for goods and services that only cheap, fearful people had problems handing over money for what I had to offer. I had compassion for these folks as I had been down that road. But in the same vein, I observed these people from a more detached, chill vibe, not allowing their fear of loss to dictate my rates.

I know some blogging fools who fall like a house of cards if someone attempts to barter with them, dropping prices from hundreds of dollars to peanuts just to make a sale. Unless you feel like a million bucks doing this, being totally clear – and few bloggers feel this way – dropping your price indicates you fear losing money, big-time, so a bartering customer or client simply reflects back to you money stuff to be released.

Remember; it’s only money. It is just money.

Feel the fear feeding the awkward feelings concerning charging for your products and services. Then precede from a more relaxed, chill, peaceful space, generously sharing helpful free content and generously sharing your premium offerings too.

At the end of the day, it is just money; a means of exchange we all use to receive products and services.

Nothing more, nothing less.

It is only money.


I explain this concept from Opotiki, New Zealand.

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