Important Factors to Include on Your Restaurant’s Website. : ThyBlackMan



( Restaurants which still haven’t put up a website should start considering one now, because utilizing the Internet is the key factor in advertising that will help broaden the audience you can reach.

If you plan on creating one or revamping a restaurant’s website, the following are the important elements to include for effective advertising.

Contact details

Don’t lose potential customers because they can’t find your store. Put the following information on your website to direct them to where you’re located.

* Address. Input the complete address of the restaurant and an embedded Google map to help them pinpoint your exact location without the need of physically visiting it.

* Landmark. If your location is similar to other Upper West Side restaurants, with numerous street corners, providing a landmark will help tremendously with navigation.

* Contact numbers. A line of contact between the customer and restaurant helps with setting reservations, answering inquiries and much more.

* Contact email. The pivotal factor of a contact email is to provide a professional, business name that reflects your restaurant.

* Working hours. A schedule of opening hours helps diners know the right time to visit the restaurant.

Social media

Learn effective social media marketing, copywriting and search engine optimization to attract people who dwell on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Other than advertising, online platforms are also ideal to gather feedback from customers.

* Include Instagrammable photos and videos to grab the interest of viewers.

* Creating a hash tag helps to locate posts and other related content.

Online menu

People prefer seeing what the restaurant offers to verify if the food they serve suits their taste and the people they’ll be dining with. You should include an online menu; give potential customers the opportunity to see what you offer. The online menu is also ideal to update specialty meals and new additional dishes that might interest customers.

Online food delivery

The website will give patrons who live further away the ability to know your place and providing food delivery will solve the location gap. Giving online orders a chance will open the possibility of higher sales due to the larger scale of potential consumers.

Promotions and events

Informing people of upcoming events and promotions will boost anticipation, which will gather a larger audience.

* Continuously promote an event a few days or weeks before the actual date.

* Discounts and special promos attract customers; therefore, use special occasions to make seasonal codes they can use when buying.

Restaurant’s background

Providing a summary of the restaurant’s history will give people a better idea of what you offer. You can highlight locally produced or imported goods to attract a specific type of customer.

Mobile friendly website

The smartphone is the leading tool used for most transactions online. Therefore, optimizing your site to cater to the huge number of mobile users will help gather potential customers.

* Make the mobile website readable.

* Consider the ease of navigating the platform.

Keep these points in mind when creating a website for your restaurant, to turn potential customers into actual diners in your restaurant.

Staff Writer; Greg Brown

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