Inbox Expo: How Philips Went from Inbox Zero to Email Hero - Validity

Inbox Expo: How Philips Went from Inbox Zero to Email Hero – Validity

Validity proudly sponsored this year’s fully virtual Inbox Expo event. The four-day conference was packed with quality content from industry experts, including a fantastic session with Charlie Wijen, Digital and CRM Specialist at Philips, and Guy Hanson, VP of Customer Engagement at Validity.

If you missed out, here are some highlights from the session.

Consumers love email. Guy shared some amazing stats around the state of email today.

According to the DMA’s newly released and industry-renowned Consumer Email Tracker report, email is by far the preferred channel to receive marketing from brands, which is fantastic news for email senders. However, as Philips’ experience shows, competition for inbox attention remains a challenge.

Starting from a low base. Charlie shared that in 2014, Philips’ email programme wasn’t in great shape. With a Sender Score of 7 and inbox placement at 10%, they really needed help. That’s when they reached out to the market for a solution.

Philips turned its email fortunes around by leveraging Validity’s email Certification and consulting practices. Their Sender Score showed immediate improvement and now averages 99. Their inbox placement rates, sending to both B2C and B2B audiences, have risen to an impressive 91-98%. Charlie is clear there’s a straight-line relationship between better inbox placement performance and Philips’ program revenue.

When the pandemic hit, Charlie’s team faced new challenges. But by remembering previous lessons and adopting new tactics like multi-variate testing and AI for subject line optimisation, Philips has further improved click-through rates by another 75% – despite the tough economic conditions.

Becoming a rockstar. Charlie’s key takeaways for email success are:

  • Be prepared to fail and learn;
  • Things change, so be flexible; and
  • Personalisation and relevancy are crucial.

This is just one of seven sessions that Validity presented over the four days of Inbox Expo. Stay tuned for more exciting highlights! All content from the event will be available soon on our website.

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