Informatica and Google join forces on cloud data management

Informatica Corp. has entered into a broad partnership with Google LLC to make its widely used data management products available on the search giant’s public cloud.

The alliance, announced Tuesday, will expand upon the existing integrations that the companies provide between their products. Informatica sells services that simplify the process of integrating business data kept in disparate systems. The suite, which is sold under the brand Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services, also includes tools for automating related tasks such as securing personally-identifiable customer records.

Enterprises are set to gain the ability to run Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services directly on Google Cloud. One of the main benefits that this will provide is stronger integration with the search giant’s popular BigQuery platform.

BigQuery is a managed cloud data warehouse built to power analytics projects that draw upon large volumes of information. Informatica plans to add support for pushdown optimization, a feature that will improve the speed at which companies can process their data. The capability works by carrying out analytics operations directly in BigQuery instead of requiring users to export records to Informatica’s products, which facilitates efficiency gains that can add up quickly with large datasets.

Another focus of the partnership is Google’s Dataproc service. It’s a managed implementation of Hadoop and Spark, the popular open-source analytics engines, that will now likewise integrate with Informatica’s services.

Sudhir Hasbe (pictured), the director of product management for Google Cloud, appeared on SiliconANGLE’s theCUBE studio on Tuesday to unpack the partnership. He said that the companies’ goal is to provide enterprises with a comprehensive set of tools for managing the core elements of their analytics projects.  

“A lot of data is siloed in different systems within different environments,” Hasbe told theCUBE hosts John Furrier and Rebecca Knight. “Customers need an end-to-end experience where you can take that data, move it to the cloud, do data cleansing on it, do data preparation, you want to be able to go ahead and govern that data … with this partnership we are bringing all the key components our customers need together.”

The alliance will also extend beyond Google Cloud. Informatica Master Data Management, a tool that allows companies create a centralized master copy of their most important records, will now plug into the search giant’s Marketing Platform, which includes Google Analytics and a number of related offerings.

Informatica will enter a go-to-market collaboration with the search giant to promote their solutions jointly. The companies are already seeing strong momentum on this front, with the number of data operations sent from Informatica tools to Google Cloud, having increased by a factor of 56 over the past year.

Photo: SiliconANGLE

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