Instagram Bio Ideas: 25 Examples You’ll Definitely Want to Copy!

Instagram Bio Ideas: 25 Examples You’ll Definitely Want to Copy!

In need of some Instagram bio ideas and inspiration? 

Writing an effective Instagram bio might seem straightforward, but it can actually be quite hard to do.

Should you be descriptive or concise? Humorous or serious? And what about your call-to-action?

In the following post, we’ll walk you through 25 different Instagram bio ideas to help you make a great first impression, explain what your business does, and convince new visitors to click the “follow” button!

Instagram Bio Ideas #1: Keep it Short & Simple 

While some brands like to share as many details as possible in their Instagram bio, a short and simple bio can be really effective — especially since you only have a few seconds to make an impression! 

Here are a few businesses that have mastered the art of succinct, simple copy that gets right to the point:

#1: Poosh

Despite being under 70-characters long, the Kourtney Kardashian-owned Poosh totally nails their Instagram bio. There’s a quick shout-out to their founder, a short description of the brand’s offering, and a small call-to-action. Perfectly simple.

#2: Mother Jones

Mother Jones‘ bio is actually on the longer side when you compare it to some of our other examples, but it’s still a great example of punchy, straight-to-the-point copy.

A word of warning: while writing a short bio could be a great move for your brand, its important to still provide some context about what you do and offer — especially for new visitors who aren’t acquainted with your brand.

This is what we love so much about Mother Jones’ bio. Despite being just 7 words long, it’s engaging and immediately explains what they do.

#3: Casper

Casper is a master of witty and playful turns of phrase — and this clearly applies to their Instagram bio as well.

Rather than dwelling on all the great things they do (like their award-winning mattresses, travel-sized pillows, night lamps, and more), they offer a single inspirational line: “Changing the way the world sleeps.” Can you tell that we’re hooked?

#4: Great Jones

Like Casper, cookware company Great Jones has totally nailed the short-and-sweet bio that gets right to the point. It only takes a quick glance to figure out exactly what they do and offer.

#5: Ouur

It doesn’t get much simpler than this! The Copenhagen-based clothing brand Ouur is known for its simple designs and “do more with less” philosophy, and this seems to apply to their Instagram account as well.

Rather than sharing any details about their brand or products, they’ve chosen instead to simply include a link to their homepage.

Instagram Bio Ideas #2: Get Descriptive 

While short Instagram bios work for some brands, sometimes it makes sense to offer up a little more detail — like if you run a physical store with set hours or you sell a complex product. Of course, Instagram limits bios to 150 characters, so it’s hard to be overly descriptive.

Check out the following brands for some great Instagram bio ideas that are on the longer side.

#6: Relationships

If your business has a physical location (or locations), it’s a good idea to use your Instagram bio to highlight important details, like your hours of operation and location.

Check out how Relationships does it. The Brooklyn-based art and design store covers all the bases in their Instagram bio: what they do, when they were founded, by who, and their hours, website, and location… All without being long-winded.

#7: Plant People

Here’s another great example from Plant People. The CBD company uses their Instagram bio to explain their products and philosophy, as well as their initiative of planting a tree for every product sold.

#8: Home Union

Specialty vintage furniture store Home Union is another brand that’s managed to pack a lot of information into just a few lines of text — but it doesn’t feel overwhelming! 

As with our previous example, because Home Union operates a physical retail store in Williamsburg (along with an online store), it makes a lot of sense for them to highlight their location, hours of operation, and other important info.

#9: Later 

Here’s another great example of a descriptive Instagram bio, this time from Later!

If your business sells a service rather than a physical product, you should consider using your bio to highlight new features. For example, we recently launched a free version of, so of course we gave the new feature a shout out in our Instagram bio!

Remember: your Instagram bio doesn’t have to be static. Update it as often as you like — especially as you add new and interesting features to your offering.

#10: Wild Lather

If you’re selling a complex product or service that needs some explaining, your Instagram bio could be a great place to do it.

Check out how Wild Lather covers its unique product features in just a few lines of text.

Instagram Bio Ideas #3: Include a Call-to-Action

Including a call-to-action in your Instagram bio is really important, especially if you want your followers to take some kind of action, like shopping for your products or reading your latest article.

Here are a few brands that do the Instagram bio call-to-action really well:

#11: MeUndies 

We’re big fans of MeUndies. From their fun-filled aesthetic to their cheerful captions and body-positive philosophy, it’s no wonder they’re such a success!

They also make it really easy for their followers and new visitors to shop their products — thanks in part to the clear and compelling call-to-action in their Instagram bio:

Like many other brands, MeUndies uses by Later to drive traffic from Instagram to their website and product pages.

With, you can tag your Instagram posts with any link you want (think product pages, articles, and blog posts!) to turn your feed into a clickable, optimized landing page.

And in case you missed it, we just released a free version of, so everyone can start driving more website traffic and reaching their sales goals through Instagram with Later! 


#12: Verve Coffee Roasters

Like MeUndies, Verve Coffee leaves little room for error in their Instagram bio — the moment you land on their profile, you’ll see the “SHOP OUR POSTS” copy in all-caps, reminding you that all the delicious coffee they feature on their feed can be yours.

All it takes is a quick tap and you’re on Verve’s page, where you can make a purchase:

#13: Care/of

If you’re an ecommerce brand, it makes a lot of sense to use the link in your bio to drive traffic to your online store — but that may not always be the case.

Take Care/of for example. Rather than going for the quick sale, the vitamin brand has chosen to drive traffic to their homepage where visitors can learn more about their products and offering (and possibly any promotions they’re running).


What we really love about POPSUGAR‘s Instagram bio call-to-action is how clear it is! There’s really no room for interpretation.

#15: The GIST

Here’s another great example from The GIST, a women-focused sports news company. Since they don’t sell any products, they use their Instagram bio to drive newsletter signups: 

Instagram Bio Ideas #4: Add Relevant Tags & Hashtags

Thanks to an update from earlier last year, any username (@) or hashtag (#) that you add to your Instagram bio will now become clickable links as well. 

This is a great feature to take advantage of if your business operates several Instagram accounts or you collect user-generated content (UGC) from your branded hashtag.

Here are a few brands that have mastered the art of tagging in their Instagram bio:

#16: Complex

From trends in style, pop culture, music, sports, sneakers, and more, Complex covers a lot of ground. And here’s the great thing: you can access it all from their main Instagram account! 

This is a really great use of their Instagram bio — by tagging all of their sub-accounts, Complex’s followers can quickly and easily switch between different topics and channels, like their Complex Style account.

While this may not work for everyone on the same scale, it’s a cool strategy nonetheless.

#17: Ciele Athletics

Whether you’re promoting a short-term campaign or collecting UGC to repost to your account, including your branded hashtag in your Instagram bio is a great way to share your community and invite others to participate in it as well.

Watch and learn from sporting good company Ciele:

#18: Toko

Don’t have a sub-account to tag in your Instagram bio? Take a page out of Toko‘s book for another creative use of the bio tagging feature. The low-impact products company wisely uses the feature to tag the retailers that sell their products.

Not only is this great social proof for the brand, but it clearly points users to where they can make a purchase!

#19: Netflix US

Here’s another great example of the in-bio tagging feature in action, this time from Netflix. The global streaming service often uses their bio to promote different movies and TV shows — this time, they’re using it to promote action films via their Uppercut account.

#20: Sonder

What we really like about Sonder’s Instagram bio is their clear call-to-action to use their branded hashtag. This is a great strategy to get your followers in the habit of posting with it! 

Instagram Bio Ideas #5: Bullet Points & Unique Design 

Bullets can sometimes be easier to read and consume than a block of text — and since you only have a few seconds to make an impression when someone visits your Instagram profile, this is maybe a strategy you should consider.

Check out how the following brands are doing it:

#21: Magic Spoon

What’s so great about bullet-form Instagram bios is they’re incredibly easy to read and absorb — you can make 5-6 quick points about your brand and products.

Check out how Magic Spoon does it. Each line offers either a tidbit of product info or a call-to-action to use their branded hashtag or enter their giveaway.

Instagram Bio Hack: If you’re struggling to get your copy alignment right, log in your Instagram profile on your desktop and edit your bio from there!

#22: Summer Fridays

Skincare brand Summer Fridays also nails the bulleted list-style Instagram bio. They start with a short description of their brand and products — and then, very creatively, they use country flag emojis to inform users where they can find their products.

#23: Werklab

If emojis aren’t your thing, you can take a page from Werklab’s book and use actual bullet points instead — try to keep things consistent with your brand and aesthetic.

#24: DRAM

Another great use of the bullet point-style Instagram bio comes from DRAM — check out how they use each line to highlight a factoid about their brand and products:

#25: HealHaus

The Brooklyn-based wellness community space HealHaus is another great example of an effective bullet point-style Instagram bio. What we really like is how they’ve spaced out the information in their bio — it makes it really easy to read and grasp right away.

These are just a few Instagram bio ideas to get your juices flowing! At the end of the day, you need to create a bio that works for you and your brand — that’s number 1!

Which Instagram bio style do you like the most? Let us know in the comments!

Get more traffic and sales from Instagram with by Later – it’s free!: 


Written By

Benjamin Chacon

Benjamin is a Content Marketing Strategist at Later and recent transplant from Toronto. You can follow his day-to-day on Instagram @benjaminchacs.

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