Magento 1 versus Magento 2 – What’s the Difference?

The Adherence to Magento 1

No doubt it took quite some years for people to get to terms with Magento 1 and all that it had to offer. But with time, this turned out to be more of a comfort zone which even aspiring entrepreneurs around the world are refusing to step out of. However, with the dawn of Magento 2, this will change to ensure a smooth switchover, here are some essential points of difference to know:
Top Differences between Magento 1 and Magento 2

  1. Key Differences in Architecture:

    The store performance in Magento 1 has been a commonly reported issue. This has been evidently taken care of in Magento 2. This significant change is a result of adding a bunch of advanced technologies like Apache, Symfony, Nginx 1.7 and greater and even Composer.

    Simply put, Magento 2 supports latest PHP versions, which include better security provisions and enhance online store speed.

  2. Better Speed and Performance:

    An undeniable point of difference is the load speed in Magento 2. Magento 2 offers a much better load speed as compared to Magento 1. This is due to full-page caching which Magento offers in both Community and the Enterprise edition.

  3. Accommodating Third Party Extension:

    A lot of times it has been noticed with Magento 1 that even though it allowed third party extensions, there were conflicts when two or more than two extensions tried to write the same functionality.

    Magento 2 came in with a change that allowed third party plugins to overlap the core code, rather than overwriting it. Not only do plugins now work better, but they are a whole lot cheaper and easier to integrate. This ease in the process of installing extensions is due to HTML, CSS3, and Require.js which comes with Magento 2.

  4. Better SEO:

    Back when Magento 1 dawned, SEO was an upcoming idea. Evidently, Magento 1 lacked the essential functionality to effectively aid SEO strategies. Magento 2 comes studded with technologies like SHA-256 (a better hashing algorithm) that aid better SEO.

  5. Streamlined Dashboards:

    The Magento 2 admin panel is user-friendly and incredibly intuitive. Not only does it allow finding information easy, but it also makes navigation throughout the website easier than ever before.

    A comprehensive admin panel is what Magento 1 lacked. The Magento 2 admin panel shows cumulative lifetime sales, average orders, last orders, revenue taxes, bestsellers, shipping and quantity, etc.

  6. Pricing:

    This could be the only factor where Magento 1 wins the round, as Magento 1 comes considerably cheaper than Magento 2. This is the case with most outdated things, so if latest features are desired, then the extra dollars does provide immense ROI.

In Closing

Magento 2 clearly wins the battle hand down as being the more advanced and efficient platform to base an ecommerce business on. Though figuring out its specifics may take time, one needs to acknowledge the long-term benefits that come with Magento 2.

Running an ecommerce business solely depends on speed, security and top-notch performance. Magento 2 Development offers all of those in one mega improvement of an update. Executing better ideas now gets easier, as Magento offers a more comprehensive and intuitive platform to function on.

Changing times require getting on with the bandwagon. And for all it’s worth, Magento 2 seemingly is the right bandwagon to get on, looking at the ton of benefits it offers, and all the ease it brings about.

Categories: BlogEnterprise Technology


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