Mention and GDPR Compliance

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a brand new regulation that defines how companies can use and must protect the data of EU citizens.

The GDPR will come into effect the 25th of May 2018 and companies will need to comply with its policies on how they acquire and save personal information.


At Mention, we highly value the data privacy of our customers, users, and community. Therefore, we are fully committed to ensuring compliance with the GDPR. We are also dedicated to being transparent about the customer data that we store and use.

How Mention will be GDPR-Compliant

Third party data

Once the GDPR comes into effect, any user of an online service based in the EU will be able to request the removal of all of the personal information that is tracked and aggregated by a third-party tool.  

Not only will Mention fully comply with these requests, we will also be transparent about all of the third party tools we collaborate with. We’ll make sure that we are compliant in the way we are sharing personal data across these tools.

Request of access to personal data

Our users, customers, and anyone in our databases will be able to request all personal data and related activities that we have been storing on them.

Deletion of personal data

Anyone in our databases will have the right to request for the irreversible removal of all personal information and tracked activities.

New Terms & Conditions

Mention will fully and clearly disclose the data we are storing from our users and why.

Clearer opt-in information and consent forms

We will also ensure that any opt-in forms (ie. free trials, webinars, downloadable content, email newsletter) that a user gives Mention consent to, will clearly explain what they are agreeing to. This will include how we plan on contacting them in terms of promotional, product and educational purposes.

Have any more questions?

Mention is committed to the protection of our users’ privacy. If you have any questions or concerns about how we plan on implementing GDPR-compliant changes to our data collection and storing process,  please contact: [email protected] 

Matthieu is CEO of Mention, where he moves all Trello cards to the right and closes deals. He splits his time between Paris and Brussels. Say hi @mvaxelaire.

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