Microsoft and McDonalds Change Core Tenets. Why People Cosplay. The Brief for 10.28.17

Here are the notes from the Chris Brogan Media broadcast for 10/28/17. (You can watch this on my Facebook account).

The goal of these posts is that there are trends and ideas here that might impact your business now or soon. Think on the stories here and look for ways to adjust your business accordingly. If ever you’re stuck, get in touch with me and I can help.

This live video was all shot using Ecamm Live (client), the best way to do Facebook Live for Mac.

Please note that all links may be affiliate links. If someone is a client, I’ll call that out specifically.

Stories Shared

My man John Ackley sent this in saying cryptocurrency miners are hacking WordPress to steal your site’s power to mine their Bitcoins.

You know I love chatbots, especially backed by artificial intelligence, as a trend. Well,I just signed up to get a chatbot that will try to learn how to be like me and emulate my mannerisms, etc. Just for fun, but who knows? This kind of modeling might actually lead to how we scale our ability to connect with others.

CVS is moving to acquire Aetna which signals a new kind of ‘vertical’ integration that’s worth thinking about.

It shows a trend of companies shifting beyond their cores to look at other ways to better serve their buyer. Microsoft’s cloud business, for instance is replacing their more core Windows and Office business a bit at a time.

See also how
McDonald’s is shifting emphasis away from speed and value and serving their customers what they most want. This is big. And it’s something you can take into your business, no matter the size.

We’re moving. All of us. We don’t want to go to stores any more. Deloitte says this will be big this year.

Freelancers want more regulations and rights and benefits. Now that the workforce is 35% freelancers, this seems like a good plan.

In other news, there’s a call for companies to stop requiring a bachelor’s degree for mid-level jobs. I support this. But more so, it’s interesting how suddenly companies are waking up to the realization that the degree rarely matches the intent for why businesses have been requiring it: a breadth of experience.

YouTube reports that of the billion-plus hours of daily content viewed on YouTube, now a hundred million of those hours occur on a TV set. Meaning, people are tuning into YOUTUBE instead of TV at the rate of 100 million hours of consumption a day.

Speaking of YouTube, I stumbled into this nice lady’s channel where she does the coolest tutorials. With Halloween upon us, I figured you could get some ideas.

I talk about cosplay a bit on the show. This article explains why cosplay is a gateway to confidence. This is what it’s about for me. Creativity plus confidence.

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