getting the gold with mobile CRO

Mobile Conversion Rate Optimization: Learn Why, When, and How

There’s gold buried in your mobile website. And mobile conversion rate optimization
(mCRO) is the power tool that’s going to help you extract that precious yellow ore.

Why Mobile CRO Matters

When you refine and improve your mobile website to elevate the rate of conversion, you increase revenues without a significant increase in spend. You are extracting more gold from the same amount of potential visitors, thereby significantly reducing your customer acquisition cost. Put simply: mCRO delivers a significantly better ROI than paying for more traffic and attracting more leads to your sales funnel.

How Mobile Conversion Rate Optimization Works

As your prospects arrive at your site and journey toward the destination of a sale, many will inevitably fall by the wayside. Frustrating enough, a whopping 79% of potential customers will abandon the cart at the last moment after piling their shopping cart high with a hefty order

In its most fundamental form, mobile conversion rate optimization involves identifying the obstacles that hinder or dissuade your prospects from taking that final step. You want, no you need, to know why they aren’t converting and then work to resolve those issues.

CRO then is the science of inspecting, analyzing and improving your sales funnel. And in this endeavor, mobile optimization experts – such as the team at Mobile1st – employ:

  • A whole array of tech tools to drill down into the funnel, explore the journey of your website visitors, and determine where they depart from your site and why
  • Hard-won, built-up industry best practices (and a touch of intuition) on what works and what doesn’t in your mobile site’s user experience
  • The tried-and-true technique of A/B testing to generate hard quantitative evidence on the impact of your website alterations. You can thus identify clear winners and losers in your website improvements.

Whether for desktop visitors or those on mobile, CRO involves a continuous cycle of improvement:

  1. Establish a baseline and measure performance
  2. Identify issues and hypothesize possible improvements
  3. Test hypotheses
  4. Implement the innovations that are proven in your tests to elevate conversions.
  5. And yes, you then begin the CRO cycle anew.

And I’ve indicated the particularly productive prime steps for harvesting low-hanging fruit on mobile. These easy wins cost little but generate great results, enabling you to demonstrate to stakeholders why they need to pursue mCRO.

When to Implement Mobile CRO

If you aren’t already engaged in mobile conversion rate optimization, right now is your golden opportunity. Frankly, CRO is a critical tool for ensuring your product line’s success. It is never too early to start optimizing your website to maximize your sales and the expansion of a loyal base of customers – customers who will spread the word about your great products and services.

In particular, mobile CRO – CRO focused on improving rates on mobile phones and tablets must be the sustained target of your labors. Mobile is the key location for customers today. Mobile is where people window-shop, find inspiration, identify solutions and comparison shop. In other words, it’s where prospects take their first baby steps on the customer journey before deciding on and committing to a purchase. But in the last few years, mobile has become where they are converting and closing the deal in ever-increasing numbers. As physical stores continue to close and ecommerce sales continue to grow (up 18% from 2016 to 2017), mobile is THE arena for all forward-looking enterprises. Now is the time to focus on your mcommerce and your mobile CRO.

Ramp up your CRO efforts slowly if necessary, trying a few simple a/b tests or challenging your developer team to cut the time it takes your web pages to load — a proven winner for conversion rate optimization.

Don’t know where to begin? Is your team of developers already overloaded with work simply maintaining your site? Ask the team of experienced professionals at Mobile1st. We are here to help!

Mobile1st is in the business of perfecting mobile conversion. Our team of CRO and subject matter experts guide ecommerce-driven companies toward greater mobile revenue results by applying global best practices and continuous data analytics testing. Mobile1st optimizes the 3 core efforts that dramatically impact mobile conversion most: mobile site Speed/Performance, UX/Usability, and Shopping Cart/Checkout.
Contact Mobile1st Experts Now!
Top photo courtesy of Flickr and SEOPlanter
Second image courtesy of Flickr and Bullion Vault

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