More Clients Now

Price: $5.38

More Clients Now!

In Wayne Hatter’s book, More Clients Now, he explains how he can show business owners where there is real estate on their website where they could be increasing the amount of revenue or the number of leads they’re trying to attract. So many people he comes across are missing out on leveraging their website into either more clients or more revenue.

Oftentimes, it’s not that difficult to fill the gaps, so to speak, but many business owners don’t realize they have the gaps, and therefore they don’t know they could increase their revenue with just a few small changes. Wayne has a real passion for helping people accomplish what they’re trying to do very quickly without frustration.

His book will help inspire business owners to start looking at their websites as a revenue stream instead of just a billboard, because it’s so much more than that. He feels one of the great things about websites is that they can be scaled pretty easily. He hopes that by reading his book, business owners will start looking at the different opportunities, and the different things they can do with their websites, to increase their bottom line.

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