Nick and Joe Buscarino open up about Long Island Podcast Studio (Includes interview)

“Long Island Podcast Studio started with our own need to record a podcast,” they said. “We were surprised there wasn’t a place where we could sit and record our show. We didn’t want to have to worry about choosing the right equipment and worrying about sound quality or editing.”

They continued, “As far as we can tell, it’s the only one like it at the moment. We are a turnkey studio that allows you to record at an hourly rate and leave with your recording that same day. We have a professional and inviting setting and the technology you’d like to use, but would be leery about investing in yourself. There is less of a headache about where to hold your podcast, or even gives you a local spot to start one up. With podcasting becoming more prevalent and more niche, there are loads of ways to use our services to create content.”

Their future plans with Long Island Podcast Studio include upgrading their green room space, as well as getting a flat screen with computer linking capabilities, and ensuring their customers get the best services possible. “We also want to expand our streaming capabilities by offering mixed audio with live streams for Twitch,” they said.

Digital transformation of the entertainment business

On the impact of technology on the entertainment business, they said, “Podcast accessibility through various apps gives people a platform to be heard. Utilizing this platform with other social media platforms makes you a viable player on the content creation side. With all things, consistency is key, so the technology can only be as good as the people speaking and putting their work in on the end of it. We hope to be there for our customers as they put their hearts and souls into their content and to have a place they can be comfortable to produce it in.”

Regarding their use of technology in their daily routine at the Long Island Podcast Studio, they said, “Instagram and search engine optimization (SEO) is a huge part of our daily routine. Instagram is the forefront of finding new podcasts, especially local shows. We try to engage our audience and connect them with the shows that record here,” they said.

For aspiring podcasters, they encouraged them to “be consistent.” “It doesn’t matter if it’s by the day, the week, or the month. There isn’t a substitute for the work you put in, and here we look to facilitate that work professionally at all times,” he said.

“We would like to tell everyone to come and record your podcast,” they said. “You can turn that great idea into a show. We are currently offering a holiday Groupon for new customers. It makes the perfect gift for any podcast listener.”

To learn more about the Long Island Podcast Studio, check out its official website.

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