Quick and simple tips for link building and SEO

Link building in accordance with SEO is more than simply establishing backlinks to authoritative websites, as most guides on the internet will reiterate endlessly. Successful link building efforts involve more than leaving an elaborate trail of hypertext links leading back to your website. Links play an important role in SEO, garnering referral traffic and building credibility online.

Although Google’s algorithms are constantly changing, authoritative backlinks have always helped determine a website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Search engines like Google, Bing or DuckDuckGo rely on backlinks to tell them whether or not a website is worthy of citation and, therefore, a higher ranking and clearer visibility on the internet.

How to Build Links

There is a multitude of tactics agencies and SEO experts use to establish an effective network of backlinks:

  • Cold Contact
  • Infographics
  • Guest Posting
  • Internal Linking
  • Content Promotion

Cold Contact

One method of establishing good backlinks is through cold-contact. Reaching out to authoritative websites or bloggers and telling them about broken or low-quality links in their content or on their site pages is an excellent way of politely suggesting they link out to your site, instead. Without coming across as rude or annoying, try to find those sites which host a resource page linking to other, various, relevant sites.


Depending on infographics to point you in the right direction of authoritative backlink prospects is another common technique. Link to where the traffic is going. When more people see a link, the chances that someone clicks on it, leading them to your page, is significantly higher.

Guest Posting

Inviting a respected blogger or content creator to contribute to your site is a popular and effective method of establishing backlinks. When a refutable content producer or blog writer is featured on your site, it not only boosts publicity for that particular creator but also draws their traffic to your site as well. Linking to their work and the respective website is a great way of building a community within your SEO strategy.

Internal Linking

While linking out to other sites with adequate authority is commonplace in most link building campaigns, linking to content and pages within your own website is also an important factor. When your own website links back to itself, it beckons users to visit all the pages included in your site or blog, therefore, prolonging the length of their visit and sharing more of your content with them, which leads to the next and final point.

Content Promotion

You’ve already heard it from every SEO expert and read it on every how-to site: “content is king.” Promoting shareable, enjoyable content for users is, by far, the most important step in any marketing campaign. When building links, this assertion still holds true. If your site is producing unique, quality content, it is likely to be linked to by other blogs and websites.

All these steps can appear rather daunting to some; however, companies often enlist the help of another party to help establish their linking networks for them. Agencies like PureLinq does exactly that, following every step mentioned here, as well as implementing their own expertise into your link building efforts. Contextual link building with PureLinq is perhaps the best service on the internet to reach your link building goals.

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