r/marketing - Marketing Book Club - March

r/marketing – Marketing Book Club – March

Hello r/marketing,

Introducing the LFM Book Club! Vote for your book choice by March 5th. We’ll meet later in the month to review and discuss.

Who’s the book club for?

Anyone interested in marketing books and learning more about the industry. It’s an opportunity for both newcomers and seasoned veterans to read something new and discuss with their peers.

What’s the purpose of the book club?

To help you find some cool, informative reads and grow your network.

When will we meet?

The initial plan is to open up voting during the first week of the month. After the group has decided on the book, we will have a month to read. We’ll touch base at the end of the month to review the material and discuss it as a group.

March’s book discussion will be 03/31 @ 8:30 PM EST.

How will we meet?

Join us on Discord

What book are we reading?

Votes are in and “Contagious: Why Things Catch On” is the winner. We’ll meet on Discord on 03/31 @ 8:30 PM EST to discuss.

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