Red Sox setting bad precedent with banner policy

It’s much that night on Sports Radio you. EI. Quality color Russian edition Monday night up until Texans and dangles. Thursday night football we’ll take your phone calls all hours on 617779. 7937. On Twitter at much and you TW EEI mud at night on this Thursday call Russian edition brought to you by your friends. At Honda north visit them at Honda north dot com Red Sox winners that day. Three and a half game lead in the division will get to him sure at some points on the field issues are for this Red Sox team but there are two things it’s about Timmy from. On off the field Red Sox standpoint today and again your phone calls if you do wish at 617779. 7937. Will start with Sam Kennedy Red Sox a team president today. Op with the guys in the mid day we’re on the air last night following the race against racism banner that was unfurled off the green monster I set it at the time after the game is part of Red Sox review I thought it was dumb. Obviously the statement is what it is it was a an ambiguous statement could have been a lot better the statement itself was dom the people that did it. On the timing now was awful doing it during the topple the Fort Benning in the middle fourth inning. When he had a lieutenant colonel in the army being honored as part of the hats off to heroes. I just thought the whole thing. Was say a bad look and the reaction nationally today. Oh look bosses are racists idiots of all races and when clearly the message was lame. In terms of not having a clear cut approach to it. But it was clear there against racism racism is as American as baseball and it’s here it’s prevalent. And I think most of us understand that. As for the reaction today from Sam Kennedy. Yeah I think Sam Kennedy is a very Smart guy. He’s a very thoughtful guy. I thought he came across today as night even talking with the guys in the mid day show. Because here’s what I wanted to hear from Sam Kennedy today. This type this focusing not going to be tolerated. We are not in use Fenway Park and they bulletin board for York activism or your message whatever you wanna say in a fact we’re not gonna use the green monster. To allow you to broadcast your personal message that message is you’re against racism which everybody is. Whether you hate money at night whether you love. David Price you’ll love Chris Sale yet hate the Yankees yankees suck any of that stuff you are not good use Fenway Park in Japanese the green monster. As your bulletin board. And instead you got a much I bought a different approach in San Kennedy almost like hey you know what it happened and wayward dating get arrested and you know things like this are gonna capital a lot and it’s old could be a one time thing what’s happened twice this year. On two different occasions people got banners and a Fenway Park to present their message. Back in June it was about. Something relating to the the Jewish in the Israel lights and and young Jewish fans or Red Sox are supporting the Red Sox. And apparently the group last night. Contacted that group to get advice on how to get the actual banner into the game. Sam Kennedy was on with a mid day guys today talking about the banner being snuck in and how proud he was a security Fenway Park. First and foremost the green monster it’s one of the most recognizable icons in Boston and all sports so. From time to time people have. It’s snuck signed into the ballpark I just wanted to and know that all of bags are checked. They go through metal detectors bags are tagged and open. So this time when I was up two soft nature probably ended up. Inside the switcher. All the companies are where people couldn’t security didn’t recognize him on the way and anyway. Very proud of our security handled it they jumped on it immediately. They got the sign off there. And that the folks who did it obviously there were escorted from the ballpark because they were. In violation of very clear policy we have. We don’t allow science to be a fixed or attached to any part of the ballpark and science can’t interfere with other fans enjoyment. Of the game. That was talking about what happened at the ballpark Q what Bonnie was asked the question it was Glenn towards the end of the re interview talking about. What the penalty is going to be a Red Sox had taken a very strong stance. Against hate language and hate actions there Fenway Park where fans are going to be banned for life they claim they guardian one fan banned for life. On the bitter people last night it will not be banned according to Sam Kennedy. Clinton now known about it and rejected. I mean our initial our security did a great job on the scene. We’re told very clearly that this group intended to make an anti racism. Statement the they were asked if they were connected to any group. I’m my understanding and I wasn’t obviously there at that at them all with the understated he said they weren’t connected. Any formal group they were inspired. By the black lives matter movement and they just wanted to make a statement they were very. Respectful and and and then they were asked to leave and they did. So yet the need every rejection or every violation of policy is a case by case basis and I’m really proud of the way our guys and gals handled this last night. There was nothing respectful about dropping that banner down the green monster during the honoring of a lieutenant colonel in the army I respectfully refused it tears and words Sam’s words I respectfully disagree. Great awesome they went willingly. They walked out of the ballpark in silence and did not get arrested. Great for them. They also unfurled the banner while a military member was being honored. And they claim did not have known that Evans relic of CS sanity is on the most reporting on this. He said he did not know. Other just. Dummies then it was pretty clear was going on there. And so I understand sand in the Red Sox to some extent. They got to be very careful right now. They don’t want to align themselves with the president and they just it’s pretty clear they don’t one Alonso the president or their policies many people on the Red Sox from office I would suggest. Most of the Red Sox front office. Agrees with the anti president’s stance in this country so they don’t want a lot of sales up with that. The one respect though the web the the feelings of a these people look out of the ballpark and have an opinion they don’t want to be in any way advocating for racism. I don’t wanna hit a respectful. And when they get escorted out of the ballpark after dropping that banner down there a banner which is dale talked about he’s a 1000% right. People had no idea for a while exactly what they meant by that banner most feeble bid but not everybody. And so we can have a message if you have a more clear message there and for Sam Kennedy. To come on today and called macro perspective one and thanked the basic thanked them for walking out quietly get a break. Just say look we’re not gonna let people do this Fenway Park is for Red Sox and bands. You’re a lot of the high you feel you are not gonna use our green monster thirty some feet all to promote whatever agenda or feelings you have. Got a million other places do that this happen again now this happen again because that that the policies in place. If you do quit and it’s not hate speech include last night was not you quietly get walked out of the bill does that work to a group. Had their message out there. Let’s just work. I have no idea but it’s worth thousand dollars I would guess more than it would cost to pay for your tour three or four a green monster seats. The thing is some getting cold air did think it was it’s as the boys alike yet confusion jet no one knows you are gonna introduce you that’s jet our producer glad and so. Saying there’s a lot of confusion over the original message I said at three times. Bomb saying so it could be construed. By some people. He went out of his way to say in and add this group also talked to Evans wrote about that is that they are anti racism that that’s their approach. So you’re right there was some confusion. In that as well. But the policy is guess what okay quietly get out of the ballpark you wanna have a message that hate speech like it banned for life. If it’s not and it’s just maybe in an advertisement a promotion prepared you walked out of the ballpark. So I didn’t like what I heard today from San Kennedy I see people lining up already I many of you Greek. L get your phone calls here and a second at 6177797937. Here’s the other one not Red Sox related ice half they got my chance. And this is NASA and this is not the Red Sox I in in. In my research at this this is they ain’t a shot at NASA and and not a shot the Red Sox at all. But this cast the characters. That they are ruled out in replace him of Randy and Packers lead Steve line both those guys they’re big theory. We know Jerry Remy and it’s a lot of time this year with cancer and fighting that battle. Dennis separately wants to do home games is sick of traveling and why would you wanna travel when he shows up on a plane is ambush by you know guys are David Price. And then lions who was on the gains had an issue in California it’s since been dismissed but he is not back with NASA and and my eight. People I’ve talked to say will not be back and that’s at least for this year. So this is not into it personally Ramey or alliance. The other six guys they rolled out. In replacement. Boggs Colmes timlin. We could yield any of those three I think and then. Lenny DiNardo. Jarrod Saltalamacchia. And just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse today. Johnny downton. A guy I grew up loving is a Red Sox fan power hitting shortstop played some third base. Three Nomar I love that John balance and as a player he was atrocious today. In the in the boot with Dave O’Brien. And I get it it’s his first game he’s gotten gains before I’d always done gains for their minor to Major League games he’d done games they threw when there are the OB. If the ninth dial Brian’s work with this year and of the nine guys and arrow include Packers sleep around your lines in that news group or the other six. Valentin was the worst. And ten meet it’s gotten to a point where was this happens group had a common bonds Colmes timlin DiNardo Saltalamacchia belted. What do you have to have a former Red Sox player. What can get a broadcaster or somebody I don’t know who’s got experience it might be good. And to that I believe NASA and is making that call I believe NASA and is said we’d rather have a bad Red Sox announcer. Then a a good not a Red Sox tied an announcer. And that is done. If you care about your audience care about your viewers you would go punch yourself. Somebody who played Major League Baseball may be that that the second or third guide ESPN he’s got some time and a sands. Go get back guy go get a recently retired guy there are plenty of broadcast is up or battle with Kirk and Gerri about this all the time they mock me for. On the credit I give broadcast I happen to think it’s a tough thing to do. They think it’s easy to show up into a game. But after watching valve today that they got to find some other people. It ought to go to Tampa games. I heard it’s not dogs two games this weekend. Sharpening those games. Even note does NASA know do the games get this weekend I have no idea. But this thrown it together forward to the Big Three aren’t available we’re gonna give yet. Jarrod Saltalamacchia Lenny DiNardo and John balance in what what the hell is going on NASA annual you put your touch and the Red Sox. You got a million connections you got a ton of money. Somebody get somebody good. Stop stick people on their temper presented by doing games. The team in first place in the division. That big game today trying to win get free and have up on the Yankees and get Jon and. At what point a watch the game therefore I came in. And and Davis is say it the old he’s talking about. You’ll baseball while aides different offenses. Yelled at that it’s guys who to strike out rate it all runs. And about how different it is. Compared to when John Bell of the play Edwards win and it’s true the eighty’s and ninety’s even in the early 2000 strikeouts are seen as a bad thing in 2017. And Eric judge strikes out a million times its forty a month we’ll take that a chance they’ll build make that tradeoff of their team. And so Dave brings up the idea that OK it’s about launch angle trajectory it’s much different albums answer is well. It’s a young young energy has got to him and teach him what would quit their profile. Of answering the question it would by the close to the question. And it’s one of the bunch of occasions where did he says he eased to learn on the job I would say that’s fine for spring training. That’s fine for. Our silica and a Sunday game in July that’s I don’t want to minimize the games here but. I think it’s fine for spring training. You try to get on the fly understand that. But there’s got to be better people out there that don’t have Red Sox dies for me. And I ask this question you guys that you guys are watching a lot more games and find some on the radio on the broadcast team. Odd given the updates people we gotta get there early scoreboards people need that. Target to watch as much as I used to watch more now not to of the games the weekends. But. It as a viewer of NASA watchful eyes game what would you rather have somebody who is directly tied to the Red Sox Boggs Gomes timlin DiNardo Saltalamacchia or mountain. Who might not be that good or somebody who has experience in the broadcast Booth. Somebody’s done this before but like I never Red Sox tie it. I would rather have the god is good. That didn’t Wear the uniform that’s just me and basically believes that somebody in essence it. Torrential. And that would be how many runs you would down verse how many runs you score. I don’t make LZ though I don’t. Jet I donate gold the gold Z makes you laugh being it terrible hitter ever. Gomes Diaz and Gomes isms that at least entertaining. And auto install the what you might call it kitchen sink to seek its everything in the kitchen scene. Good luck trying to find something to make you laugh from balance available in Baghdad at there was that one cut I saw Roemer had this. We’re balls crushed. The left beyond forget who headed for the Red Sox. Typically go to the lawn. Valve like ballots are balanced golf the wall. Oh nailed it. Apps Salinas I rather have a guy who has say users who had experience in might be good. We got their Red Sox and that matches they either get off my chest. It bother me watch in the game today and look at some of the guys they put that boot and on the right side they’re not the royals got the twins out that. The rays who could afford it NASA can afford it. Nesting can afford that they apparently don’t want they wanna got a Red Sox which to me it’s. 6177797937. Is your phone number on Twitter at Mott and UT WEEI. Little behind the scenes here we have a new call system. A second chance in the first impression. I have no idea is gonna work I just click on the Blue Line generation of fast this thing I should you should have told me before I sat down. From the microphone tonight jet you’re the producer of the show you can talk on the Erie could certainly try to tell me how to get to this call here. He’s been able to pick it up it is used the pick up but right now I’d somebody hit a decent answer on it equity C gets there top left a cable line is gonna answer. The one that’s highlighted there’s a K one is green and two purple at least on my screen so which one of the gonna pick up to be the Greenland. Green doesn’t have it’s not screened yet. Here’s. Ought to try this. Rises once Getty’s first up here it is Monday night up until Thursday night football between the Texans end of angles what’s up Brian. That was easy we figured out that was simple. A ago. You know it was almost like listen to a conversation and satellite and not today with John thousand more than it. We like to. All my goodness it was absolutely brutal and it you’re the last few bright you sound like a Red Sox fan watches game would you rather have somebody. Would experience is not tied to the Red Sox or somebody on the Red Sox who might not be good balance and an oral salty. I don’t mind if they’d gotten beyond Kaman and I’ve I’ve watched last weekend. And it was critical that nutrient and equipped where he would like they’re gonna without. If you can get a got it helped me and I policy. And while I care about I don’t care vote getter in the guide you to play clock that you think these apps lead hey anything’s better than. Look at the group club. That little thing I’ve listened to Dave O’Brien man I’m really I’m ticked off what retirement here it’s. They does Dave’s Dave does a good job. Beyond the regular column was back in 2001 post on jet. I went to the first came out this September 11 and myself a couple of buddies got a pretty good American flag sitting. In the like civilian court seats in the front row the second week. That thing out of the back that we got it and there was a security got on a scholar know. I don’t think so not happen and well like world. So we just gotta want it showed that agent really wanted to get on TV but. In that pack and shot that we had something that we were gonna try to and and that opened resiliency that nobody even close to the security you get. Up in the green marks I mean you’ve got to show some market and it gets a pop you get your row you get to see. We too many people stop you from seeing a banner of that size and we have an American flag that was like. Maybe three feet wide and and you know read about the law that they have a pretty good sized banner it was the Kennedys and yeah. I mean look at the commodity and make people’s apartment it was like idiots like we don’t know that you allowed that happened not just. I take me up I want to show that in ways that security watch every single thing you do and we’re not gonna let somebody just tanked on well. I see is where and Brian I I’ve seen that conspiracy theory thanks for the call tonight. I’ve heard that conspiracy theory. I do not believe this was an inside job and omitting hand threw that out today I’m sure Ole battle about tomorrow. It was April when I was told it was a nylon banner that was easily rolled up and folded into the bottom of the large backpack. And the Red Sox they check everything on the air most home games. They check my bag of people lonely there at the at the door they they know that I bring in the same stuff every night is still check my bag every single night. I believe the bag was checked I blew the backpack was Jack Hadley was hidden in the bottom of backpack I believe they spoke to the people. Rather banner in the stadium back in general and they said here’s how you do it. So I do not only was an inside job and in fact as much as the Red Sox. You know with this whole bit of a lifetime ban and Calvin Hanik Adam Jones situation. Have had their there they’re feeling out there about this sort of thing I don’t think they wanted this banner. I don’t think it a perfect world this banner would have been able to get down it it’s there for a long time and somebody securities to lose their job on the protocols will be different going forward but I. I write and thank you rethought Brian I don’t believe was an inside job it was bad security was Smart planning by the people down in the ones weren’t the negated. I’ll bite they suck the thing and I really do Mike Hsu north Providence Mike you’re on WEEI. I’m like yeah I am actually or at that dot personal boot. I mean. I like to I’d like to know that won it the next player who played for us is kind of a bit in the pocket I don’t care about all. I in. I don’t I don’t like this passionate. Eight coverage I wanna homer. I mean a guy a guy like you know what for example accurately. And Randy. Exactly exactly are willing to actually idiot there are happening yeah you know. They actually care they actually walked away. In a band and it just it’s one of these things where they’re going to rough patch right now cut by. It’s like. Sure of injury that the better position or point guard that’s all we’re now suddenly he. It just like okay Altria art I get out. So they lost all of their outlet or most of their talent and one else will not to have an update on war but it did you find new talent. They only want to beat guys meet to work out not all and honest I kind of like spot that I thought odds with them I can actually get better. So I’d I’ll say what I started working on a list like and I and it. To me it’s not like Acker sleep Ramey and lions and and lines of how the team right elbows threat put that aside those guys done for a while those guys are all good. I prefer accuracy in line to head Randi but that’s just me. Then he had that group we talked about odds gold’s template and I would view of those three those guys stood out. Any bonds of those three could be added to a for sending games could do it that DiNardo. Saltalamacchia and then today John bounty group that it just for a major market team that’s got. A limited funds against them whatever they want I hiked to meet those three guys. Should not be doing and decide spring training games on the fly like this in the month of September makes no sense for a broadcast like the NASA broadcast I’m sorry. I I didn’t get it here ballot that debate Saltalamacchia was killing me I actually was like a trying to match out all the what are described. Mandy cutting off at all else deal Ike what a great expansion by many great job at a are rightfully. You know. It was like no matter what. How stupid a play on the field was he filed some might think it say about how light I think that this guy doesn’t want to alienate anybody in baseball opening get back yet. It’s too much and it’s too much I know I I respect these guys play wore the uniform but for me personally Mike. I would rather somebody good who didn’t play for the Red Sox pick your guy around baseball there are plenty guys who’ve had opportunities and now might not be working full time. Those guys over what we got today and DiNardo and Saltalamacchia. All seem like nice enough guys. Knock one out to them personally be in the Booth at the Red Sox it’s the free can Red Sox is not the pockets. The Boston Red Sox are three and a half nearly. 61777979837. Of phone number your thoughts on that and your thoughts on CN Kennedy today. Respectfully. I’m giving giving respect to the folks who will drop that banner for the way they respectfully. Took their rejection from the ballpark last night with your phone calls and that will also get to the latest from the I ESPN and added layer to be Janelle hill’s story off from last night and of course it’s color rushed Thursday. That means you get out of this city NFL network but I believe. It outsourcing games now to Amazon prime exit the first Amazon prime broadcast. On Thursday night football you don’t eat Amazon prime to this and you’ll have a right here on WE yeah I’d between the Texans and the angles. Get a job at the backing him at 8 o’clock it’s much. Sports. Here so yet. It’s concern anytime you have. That march its way in but it was who’s who of world it was. That I don’t know exactly how they. I’ve got it and I will hunting and you know lamented that were close circuit or something on no equipment through the interview process. People that they unfurled flag there were very. Open they were made larger car they’re very respectful they were yet they they’ve there was no real incident of and then. You throwing side. After we. Got them off the monster and took them downstairs security question. He has been chosen cheerful security team to great great job. And they left without. Maybe after the match acted in good job. I’m sure they’re good guys would allow us happens if there for nine seconds the way did I see somebody drop the ball. On what it came to Red Sox security lane that banner hang on the green monster and and I know San Kennedys and had had the sale of these you said today but I would’ve liked. A tougher stance against the idea of people using the green monster as their you know. I keep saying bull to abort that’s what it fuels like but will say that maybe there will be no awards it’s the second one this year maybe this’ll be those second and last that we see going for I highly doubt that and can only imagine that. In a playoff game mistakes will be raised. On to see what people can get down that that banner or different parts of the ballpark and hanging banners up up. And the Budweiser deck now the green monster or other places where and estate agent social media does not begin on TV. Right LB nests in shelled this last night it’ll show once on streets that don’t show is sort of in the field because they don’t want to vote. We don’t need that anymore because I have a cell phone camera jet has a camera and everybody in the ballpark has a camera on the phone. You get promotion that way Seoul last night. Back at zero TV time. And by 930. Last night it was in top of the fourth inning of say an hour and a half two hours later. It was on every single sports website the country. Every single one. It was certainly not every one of those that aggregate sites where you’d you’d eat people try to search engine as CEO that search engine optimization. Where in they had engaged put us where there’s with a picture to say we’ve or searching forward. They would find it so 2017. To your aid ATV camera to give your cause orbit in or any sort of pop. Well I had a friend of the game last night they were there they stay here in view of it they took a picture they sent it to me as it was happening. Somebody tweets it nick goes Karl takes is twenty seconds of someone like he said that the iPhone and it’s viral Celtics. And my guess is based on the reaction it got last night on the last at Fenway Park this year. On mark jumps and on Twitter says of X not available the only other option is the rest of the season season. Should be rent the besides running. Should be Curt Schilling Clemens or box. Yeah I mean it’s like two weeks in enacting playoff games than a lot of time to fill here. But I’m with the human but people texting and tweeting and about a couple guys I didn’t mention because they haven’t used to yet on. Like it of course you wanna see Lou do on those games boot camp to those games I Lou would be awesome whether it’s in the radio Booth and on TV. I think Lou would be immediately huge hit. Locally in public at some point go to it to some sort of national level of in a color commentary on these games if he wanted to do. Woolsey Kenton now he’s with Comcast good for him he solace. Actually on Curt Schilling. Curt Schilling should still be doing some and a baseball the aggregate adjustment goes as that job over Schilling Ide drives me crazy. And you drive many of you crazy can Schilling is much better at the jets Mendoza is in the fact especially after these last 4872 hours and ESPN. They’re Curt Schilling lost his job for what he did it. And others have not. The double standard before letter. That’s what that is so I’m all with you on Schilling and Clemens out and hired some of the Clemens game heated with him down in Houston he was okay. In any effort to sell the rights say this I don’t know I’m not. I’m not necessarily Clemons guy. But if you want to only Curt Schilling a little dual those games hell yes and the fact that they haven’t ash showing his talent they don’t like Schilling politics they think Schilling is volatile. That is the anti nests and picked again this morning on the Red Sox and a bag of Red Sox or the security last night the ban all that crap and and in San Kennedy’s reaction to it today. This mess and this is one or two people at NASA and making this decision and I don’t think it’s the Red Sox. May be the case of Schilling it is but even then I don’t I’m not should the Red Sox would say no because they know Schilling is good they want the best of their broadcasts. They upgrade going from Dave O’Brien. A goal from dollar sold the Dave O’Brien why they did that because they they think David’s better I agree with them they made a choice. They want the broadcast to be good. And if they do really do want that going forward they’ll keep DiNardo and Saltalamacchia and balance and away from these games. Except this spring training whenever breeding ground for you know you’re back on talent do with them. I’m Carlos in the Bronx Carl Jon WEEI. There were a brother Carlos. And I admire. I love to allow you to problems. Do. I know he giggled all these people law would look at you like an eagle on the this guy is gonna let you want to be one of the boy that one or anybody really weak law. I know and it probably would have been. Honolulu loathing an opportunity that they keep ultimate love music contests we can’t do that I’m with. Let an active but it got out I did yeah yeah. Did he hit suspected cop on. On the Yankees players did serve his suspension just at the serve them on same day they had to serve them on separate days yes. Okay because that will let you know I would watch but yet they got an apple and it will come on don’t organized. Public one you’ve been hated yankees did read it. And I feel like a whole lot being with the Yankees that beat you that it would make it didn’t want it there. Immediate I hope we’ll all suspected and yet the media does not looking at a wreck our good old boy they’ll hold. I think Colin did that you know you don’t we try to nature of the Yankees make it into the playoffs you don’t want to buy an edited live. Yeah that was that was a weird way they did that Carlos thanks for the call that the that the did the shaded suspension some people thought that you know they did that eight in response to the Red Sox and the apple watches. That is said about right punish the Red Sox they allow the maximal freedom for their suspensions I’m not sure that’s the case. I do the Red Sox I’m calls that I guess disagree I other Red Sox of foolish in the apple watched I will sets that to me that I had. Was innocent Kennedy today. I might not agree with him on the stuff when I came to the banner. I loved when he talked while the Yankees don’t talk rate Lavin hasn’t talked to Brian Cashman clearly is holding a grudge against these guys doesn’t wanna talk to them. And it bombed Sam Kennedy. After we get over the knowing it’s about dump my guys are forgetting caught using technology to try to steal signs when everyone knows you can’t. After our rip my own guys in house absolute pits of the Yankees. For for the way they handled us. This was Kennedy today talking about a Cashman and the Yankees frontal. So we’ve not talked. Read it and write no right castration at all no conversation. Will. I’ll leave it at this pieces that commissioner rob Manfred is doing a great job of looking into. Our complaint and their complaint and he will make his ruling when he deems appropriate. We said it when there accusations came out that we were disappointed that it. It was not handled club to club right and general manager and general manager because it’s my understanding. That these issues related to science in which is not against the rules. Maybe we should use other languages that it signs that maybe deciphering your T coding. Because besides feeling is not against the rules as Lou you’d you well know. The issue. Is the electronic device and and that was a problem in my understanding is typically these issues are always a GM to GM. Unfortunately this was not dealt that way. And again it was I don’t like Sam’s China it’s a brown it was. Sign stealing it was with the illegal part of science healing which is the electronic part of that obviously goes on every single day my guess is most teams do use some form of electronic. Whether it’s video or iPad or computer to steal signs they’re using some method to do the Red Sox got caught. And so I guess another problem the Yankees you know having an issue with that but to steal the directly again if you really. Using iPad yourself through the Yankees. Then why the commission when that status and soft crap. By the Yankees or its path that’s heady. And maybe the Red Sox may this is the untold part of this Mabel find out that they did go to the Red Sox in the Red Sox that’s where you. And so the Yankees fell back against all they had to go to commissioner bud. Unless the Red Sox are being on reasonable. In this or putting up a fight about stopping you said apple watches ordered to use them beyond when the Yankees that they stop doing it. A less any of those things occurred. Then that is. Soft as they need to. By the Yankees he or the commissioner with the mayor and even the commissioner. Mocked the Yankees in a press conference last week it found it by saying look most of the time I Sony’s business schools I’m not a GM. The most of the time I’m told the GMs and and president’s deal with this behind the scenes Spacey sanity yankees will tell you guys do when. We don’t need this kind of attention on baseball right now so the beginning of it is the Red Sox are stupid for doing it. There as you’ve ever getting caught but after that I’m with Sam weird the Yankees made his pub. Get back to the rescue site and it happens all the time it happened to her years in Major League Baseball usually what happens somebody’s doing it in and on the orthodox manner. The general manager calls the other gentleman just cut the crap and you get so why is that not happening between the two organizations is it that much hatred right now. That’s that’s a question. For the Yankees. It will be Al Vegas so good so go away is it gets slapped on the wrist this will not be a big deal and everyone’s gonna move on. And so we’re caught the playoffs now the Red Sox yankees it’s all get caught. That’s what teams do they try to take advantage final break come back poses it ESPN update. More on Gmail hill and more on what ESPN reportedly. Tried to do. To the Janelle hill Michael Smith show last that we get to that and third time football Texans ends dangles top of the hour 8 o’clock you’re W media. At night on Sports Radio you. But a couple of minutes leading into Colorado Thursday is Thursday night football Texans and angles security here. On WE EIB patriots opponent a couple weeks. The Shawn Watson and the Texans taking on the angles. We’ll see we get these Thursday night games have been atrocious and based on the week one ratings in the NFL. On this is not going to help everything except for senate football was down one and I’ve football got buried. Without double header on Monday thirds in a football patriots pieces were were down the numbers came out today. My guess we’ll spend a lot more time on tomorrow while with the guys Kirk and Callahan beginning at six. On the NFL’s ratings certainly an issue heading into week two and I don’t think Texans and angles. Gonna help them very much nothing since it’s this just smells and Thursday night game. Taxes and dangles five exceptions. To into a quarterback’s final score 169. Sixteen for all of them look good Johnson like five picks for some covered like addicts. Will say I cut the taxes would give people scared this year water center nick and fumbled once he says he’s got a John Savage probably not saying much other stories agent and thanks so. We will probably get into the new the other big story geared. Thanks to a website called think progress dot org headline tonight ESPN tried to kick. Janelle — off the end replace her with another black host on some very. Eyes still a person has Lindsay Gibbs about the progress dot org. Says that last night. Prior to the six Janelle hill and Michael Smith where bolt from the year last night. In a move that is perfect ESPN. They didn’t address the elephant in the room that did not address that they were the big story in the country yesterday. That it’s Sara Sanders Huckabee. In fact called the Java Janelle hail those big story Bryan Curtis and the ringer I mean this was the biggest sports media story in the country and the six with Camilla Michael Smith led with. The Indians the Red Sox rotation. Brady vs breeze concussions in the NFL Brian Cushing suspension. CF album more practice and finally. Russell was part of a new ten year deal with Nike. And spent sixty minutes not talking about the story panel that was not the original plan by ESPN. ESPN originally according to this report try to keep hell off the year. What’s Smith refused to the show with out of source told Lindsay gives a thing progress dot org both sources also said. Producers reached out to two other black ESPN host Michael Eads an album can. Gas then a service villains for the show but easing Duncan did not agree take the place of hill or Smith either. At 430 yesterday in the middle of all this eaves expressed frustration with the day. And they are tweet from him saying man as they got me like it and as you know angry about geez. Face the possibility of having to replace hill and Smith with white co hosts. The sources said it ESPN and Paul Hill and asked her to come back to her show. He’ll did not address the controversy on Wednesday night that you get released two statements on Twitter. In once she posed for photo with the men from the National Association of Black Journalists and thanked them for their support. He’ll did not leader tweets except truck except trunk you guys on the story by now. Our initial reporting was done this by Judd lingo of the story’s been updated to included additional comment by ESPN ESPN is denying. This happened altogether rescind it and not try to keep Janelle hill off the air then Jim L hill and Michael Smith. At the same time and then go back to them when they realize. They met the go to two white host for whatever reason that was. I don’t know some sort of by triggering effect to go back to hill and Smith. Rob came the senior VP of news information of sports center said. Yesterday it was a hard than usual day. Number of people interpreting the day without a full picture of what happened Indiana ultimately. Michael Janelle appearing on the show last night doing the show the way they did it is the outcome we always desired. We never asked any other anchors to do last night show periods and an ESPN spokesman. To think progress dot org after the stories published. I believe the story because that is perfect ESPN. That they would worry about the reaction. Will keep Javelle off for a day they’ve shall wanna talk about this and if you let her talk about it and now it sounds like reading the story. They were OK with that I thought maybe this was a Janelle Michael — wanna talk about a turn dot ESPN did which is classic ESPN get this great story great leader and the overnight ratings are up 9% on the sixth they did not acknowledge his story. And ESPN about trying to keep them off the air. And then rescind that offer went back and I don’t it’s it with a weird story. I’m short of war reporting on it I’m sure we’ll talk more about tomorrow morning with Kirk and Callahan out live out of the Kate country club. The big guy WE guy golf Durban that’s at 6 AM NFL football tax dangles Nazis.

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