Confirmit Release Delivery Modes:  Which One is Right For Your Business?

Release Delivery Modes: Which One is Right For Your Business?

Confirmit Horizons™ is our award-winning software for Voice of the Customer, Voice of the Employee, and Market Research programs. It provides you with richer insights, so you can make smarter decisions and react faster to business needs. We are constantly working to increase the breadth and depth of Confirmit Horizons and we provide three delivery modes to ensure that it meets the specific needs of your business. Regardless of which delivery mode you choose, you can rest assured that Confirmit provides maximum security, scalability, and flexibility to meet your needs.



Confirmit has put a new naming structure in place and all major product releases will adopt the YYYY.MM naming convention (for example, 2019.05) with a build number suffix (for example, 2019.05.94). Additionally, for On-Premise releases, we continue to provide a Continuous Delivery version, however, the previously named ‘Frozen’ release has been renamed to ‘Long Term Support (LTS)’ release. 

Confirmit Horizons SaaS Confirmit Horizons SaaS is a  web-based environment that enables you to take advantage of the power of the platform without worrying about server maintenance and administration.  Confirmit supports customers globally and maintains SaaS environments in  Australia, Canada, UK, USA, and Hong Kong. More information about our SaaS environments is available on our Extranet.

  • SaaS Continuous Delivery: Customers selecting the SaaS environment benefit from frequent  –  usually four  times a week – updates to Confirmit Horizons, a mode we call “ContinuousDelivery”. The build version number increments within each month, and then resets at the start of the next month (for  example, 2019.05.94 at the end of May 2019 became 2019.6.0 at the start of June 2019).
  • Confirmit Horizons On-Premise Confirmit Horizons On-Premise is an ideal choice for customers with location-specific compliance requirements related to personal data that cannot be met with our SaaS environments, or extremely high volumes of data collection or reporting activity. Our On-Premise customers have access to almost all Confirmit Horizons’ features (there are some modules only available on SaaS) while allowing you to store the solution and the data on your own servers.

This factsheet explores the different deployment modes to help you pick the best option for your organization. 

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