SEO Tips for a Successful Holiday Season

SEO Tips for a Successful Holiday Season

Serina Fignole – November 14, 2018

Is your SEO strategy in shape for the holidays? Are you worried that it may not yield the results you want before the festivities start? Have you put off your 2018 holiday SEO strategy until now?

While it may be too late to capture those big-budget keywords, there are still 3 techniques you can implement right now to gain some SEO traction this upcoming holiday season.

#1 Optimize Titles & Descriptions in the SERPs

In the new Search Console, look for the keywords that your webpages are ranking for, and focus your titles and descriptions on improving the click-through rate for those keywords.

It is important to remember that during the holiday season you’re not only optimizing your title tags and meta descriptions for your target audience(s), but also for the people who would purchase your products and/or services for them.

#2 Create an Evergreen URL & Refresh the Content Each Year

During the holidays, it is important think about the products and/or services you sell and what keywords your target audience(s) would use. However, it is also important to keep in mind who shops for that demographic, what questions they would have, and target that in your content.

Lists and gift guides about popular tech items, games, toys and books are typically searched heavily during this time of year. If your company does an annual list or guide, we recommend creating a URL like this: /guides/best-childrens-books/

So then, next year when it comes time to refresh that content for 2019, take the content from that location, if you want to archive it, and move it to a new URL like this: /guides/best-childrens-books/2018/

By placing your 2019 content at the old URL, you’re effectively creating an evergreen URL, but keeping your archive. This will keep any traffic coming from the primary URL heading to your most current content.

#3 Leverage Rich Snippets

Rich snippets are bits of code that make it easy for search engines to organize information. Type almost any product description into Google Search and at least one type of rich snippet will appear, if not multiple types.

Studies show that having a rich snippet can increase CTR by 677% and drive 20-40% more traffic than product links, which makes a rich snippet in search more valuable than the #1 position. Rich snippets give brands the opportunity to jump the queue, and launch themselves into the coveted position zero (above all paid ads) for a lot of the types of queries that holiday shoppers will use frequently.

If you have any questions about SEO strategies for the upcoming holiday season, please reach out to the Digital Marketing experts at MoreVisibility.

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