SEO WordPress Themes: What You Need to Know

Every day, a lot of people use WordPress CMS for running their blogs. However, one certainly has got to be pretty meticulous about Choosing the right WordPress theme and all the various important aspects of it and one such aspect are obviously the theme.

Choosing the right WordPress theme can create a magical difference in a whole lot of ways and on the contrary, a bad choice of theme can hamper the performance of your website to a very large extent. There’s no denying the fact that every user tries to find the most powerful theme for one’s website but chances are that they end up making the wrong choice.

Well, in the most of the cases, it’s either inexperienced or a hasty decision that leads to a terribly wrong choice of theme and it can certainly get things pretty frustrating for your website. This is why we thought of coming up with this amazing post wherein we will enlighten you about the 5 Things to Consider before Choosing the right WordPress theme.

Choosing the right WordPress theme

Things to Bear in Mind While Choosing the right WordPress theme

We are pretty much aware as to how difficult a choice making can be in general and this holds true for WordPress Themes as well. In fact, the excitement about the fact that you are actually going to start a website and at the same time, the various stunning themes presented in the most exclusive way in front of you can pretty easily get you deluded and let you choose a perfectly wrong theme for your website.

We examined a few such cases and finally, came up with 5 amazing points for you to bear in mind while you are looking to find a perfect WordPress theme for your website. Even though there can a whole lot of points to consider while choosing a WordPress theme, we listed 5 most important points to help you make the right choice.

These points will not just help you find the perfect theme but also, keep you relaxed and pretty sure of everything you do about your WordPress Site. Without much ado, let’s get straight to the points

Look for a Simple Theme

Even though you will find a lot of WordPress themes with complex layouts, extravagant colors, lots of animation, widgets and more, there’s actually nothing better than a simple theme. On one hand, it saves you a lot of time by keeping you away from dealing with the complexities of the layout and design and on the other hand, it helps you stay focused.

Instead, you may look for a theme that would pretty much help you convey the message of your site clearly to the audience. A simple theme actually makes a lot of room for customization which eventually can help you give your website the most suitable design.

Look for a Responsive Theme

No matter you intend to run a blog or a website, nothing is successful without a decent traffic, right? Also, we are no stranger to the fact that a large portion of the internet users is actually Android and smartphone users.

It is important to read all the specifications of every theme pretty carefully to check if the theme is responsive which means if the theme will work equally well on all the devices. A theme with a responsive design can help you to a massive extent in getting traffic from all the available device platforms. As a matter of fact, every successful website nowadays actually uses a responsive theme.

Without a responsive theme, users certainly wouldn’t have a smooth experience as they visit your website from their mobile phones. Over the years, a lot of e-commerce websites, as well as blogs, have attained excellent success in terms of conversion because of their brilliant responsive themes.

Browser Compatibility

How do we all react to slow loading web pages? Nobody ever enjoys wasting one’s time waiting for a website to load, right. The next best thing we could probably do is leave that site and look for an alternate website. Chances are that we will never get back to the former website ever again.

Different users may use different browsers to visit the same site. However, a site owner must try to offer a brilliant website performance irrespective of what browser a user chooses to visit one’s website. This is actually a bit tricky and it’s not possible if one doesn’t check the browser compatibility prior to Choosing the right WordPress theme

Even though WordPress developers test the browser compatibility of their themes, this may not hold entirely true for all the free themes which are why it is absolutely important to test one’s theme on the various popular browsers to check its browser compatibility and then take a decision.

Choice of Plugins

We are pretty much aware as to what makes WordPress so powerful apart from being an unimaginably ‘easy to manage’ CMS. It’s none other than its plugins that can to a large extent help you with extended functionalities. As a matter of fact, there are thousands of plugins that are free yet very powerful.

However, it is equally important to choose the theme that gets along well with your favorite plugins else things might get frustrating in terms of your website’s performance if ever a plugin tends to get in conflict with the theme in use.

Hence, one needs to be pretty wise about the choice of theme and its compatibility with your favorite plugins so that no plugin-theme conflict ever comes in the way of the website’s growth and performance.

SEO Friendliness

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is an aspect that can never be overlooked if at all you want your website to achieve great success. In fact, this is what a website needs in order to get more visible to the web traffic. A website with a perfect SEO would always hold its position on the SERP or the Search Engine Result Page.

Hence, it is a factor that should never be skipped when looking for a theme for your website. Even the theme with the most exquisite looks may generate poorly coded HTML which may eventually affect the page loading in an adverse way and we are pretty much aware as to how much the page loading aspect matters of a website in SEO. The faster the page loading, SEO will work better for that website.

This is why it is important to check if a theme is SEO friendly prior to choosing it. You can do it by checking it with the W3C Markup Validation service to see if the theme has a proper HTML5.


It is always wise to go slow and we are certainly no stranger to the hard work it takes to have the most successful website. Choosing a proper theme for one’s WordPress website is certainly the most crucial aspect and we can’t afford to go wrong with it since changing the theme over and over again could be pretty painful.

The five points that we shared in this post are good enough to help you choose the most appropriate theme for your WordPress website provided that you bear them in your mind while Choosing the right WordPress theme and not get carried away by their extravagant looks.

It is absolutely important to go right with the basics to have a strong foundation for your website. Ending up with a wrong theme and changing it over again will only divert you from the core business.

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