Tantra meets COVID-19.

Sex Educators Adjust To Work In The Age Of COVID-19 Social Distancing

This new age of social distancing has quarantined folks waving at each other instead of shaking hands, smiling a greeting instead of hugging and limiting any concept of kisses to foil-wrapped dollops labeled “Hershey’s.” Doctors and nurses may make physical contact behind gloves and a mask, but how has the Coronavirus effected sex educators who rely on intimate touch in their work?

Tashizelle Monroe is a New York-based intimacy coach who trains men and women in the “sacred art of tantra.” When the entirety of American society adopted the temporary “hands-off” policy, it was a hard shock to the grownup sex ed business.

“I realized that I would not have in-person sessions anymore,” Monroe says. “They make up about 80% of my income.”

Fortunately, she had previous experience with virtual lessons or long distance training via social media.

“Once that initial state of shock passed, I was overwhelmed with feelings of passion, purpose and gratitude for already having online teaching experience under my belt — and an audience that would be interested in Tantric work.”

Monroe quickly created new commerce models, organizing a new Virtual Teaching Program, now open for enrollment. She expects the new business to take a few months to get traction. She’s getting the word out now via phone, video conferencing and Twitter.

She insists these strange circumstances have the unexpected consequence of opening up the educational sessions beyond the physical because direct tactile stimulation is off the menu.

“Conversations with new clients have become more well-rounded, as many are realizing that Tantra provides tools not only for sexuality and intimacy, but also for human development, self-sovereignty and freedom. In our current times, that translates into having the tools to discern your thoughts and feelings from all those around you — to ease the mental and emotional overload many of us are feeling.”

The Bay Area’s Devin James is a domme and consultant — a BDSM professional who will have difficulty getting to her clients in person during California’s lockdown. She stays on her followers’ minds and conducts some sessions via social media.

Regardless of the customer, James’ bondage work does not necessitate traditional sexual acts — but some physical contact is usually involved.

“In short, the self-quarantine is making my business very difficult,” James says. “I’m mostly connecting with clients via Skype, Zoom, FaceTime – whatever social media platform works.”

James has training and experience as a counselor, hypnotist, life coach and actress, so she brings those verbal and performance skills with her into the social media realm when servicing her clients.

Monroe adds these stressful times under threat of illness and locked in close quarters create a need to unwind and blow off steam.

“With so much fear under the skin, it is difficult to rest our minds and enjoy pleasure, and the opportunities being at home can provide,” she says. “Especially if you are coupled up, it is essential to find ways to decompress and come together peacefully and sensually.”

Both women indicated they’ve been looking for more online work via social media for a while, and now it’s absolutely necessary.

“I have been wanting to train men virtually, as well as offer ritualized experiences for couples online,” Monroe says. “I show them certain techniques that bring them closer and make them feel more connected.”

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