Should We Be Worried About AI? – AI and Marketing [Infographic]

Artificial Intelligence – simply known as AI, has been the talk of the town for quite a time now, yet a lot of marketers are still adamant about the idea that such technology can outdo them. However, as the technology advances, it seems like more and more marketers are starting to feel worried that AI will disrupt or worse – replace their role for the coming years.

Regardless of whether we like it or not, AI has already dawned upon the marketing industry and is currently changing the way companies make marketing decisions and approach their customers both in offline and online world.

To summarize, here are the key takeaways of the infographic below from Digital Marketing Philippines, which discusses in detail the impact of AI in marketing industry and if marketers should really be worried about it or think the other way around.

  • Modern AI – The AI technology we know today has advanced so much that it has already surpassed human intelligence in many levels. It is currently being employed to power image data processing as well search algorithms which ultimately benefits the users by getting more refined search results.
  • AI Has Already Changed Marketing – AI is currently being used to in many aspects of marketing, such as customer service (chatbots), and sales (visual search). Advanced platforms are even capable of detecting the sentiment and mood of the customer during call conversations.
  • AI Can’t Do all the Marketing Legwork – Despite the significant advances made in AI, it is not powerful enough yet to surpass the human intelligence when it comes to discerning social biases and perception that a customer have towards brands.
  • Context is the Key – Instead of treating AI as a threat, marketers should start leveraging these technologies to enable automated data-driven decisions in their marketing campaigns.
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To learn more about this topic, check out the infographic below.

Should We Be Worried About AI? – AI and Marketing

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