Start Blogging While Still at College – Times Square Chronicles

Starting a blog is one of the best decisions you can take to shape your career. Blogging has evolved a lot in the past few years and there are myriad benefits. Here are the key reasons to start blogging while you still in college.

1. Teach people useful things 

Blogging is the best platform to share your knowledge and teach people stuff. It provides an opportunity to educate people interested in your field through your expertise. The best part is you can also bring traffic to your site and get the benefits by monetizing your blog with relevant products and services. 

2. Improve your Writing Skills

Blogs are never a one-shot deal and you usually write very often. There is an ongoing process in blogging. The first step is generating ideas and if you lack them then you can search though opinion article ideas. The second step is writing, adding appropriate images and lastly the proofreading. When you perform these tasks regularly then you become an expert writer which is also great for your college grades.

3. Become an Expert

When you blog regularly then you get a chance to showcase your talent with the right knowledge and expertise.  Publishing blog posts that are accurate, informative and relevant more often will capture the attention of the audience in your niche and help you earn the recognition and make you an expert. People will love to refer your site and share it on their social networks.

4. Build your Network

You can expand your reach and build a network through blogging. The best way to expand is by linking to other bloggers when you publish фblog post. You can email them about the mention. In fact, you can ask them to share the post. This will help you to connect more people through your blogging. You can also publish interviews with the other bloggers in your niche and expand your network. Above all, you can write for the authoritative sites having a good social presence and increase the chance to connect with the industry leaders.

5.  Learn Useful Technical Skills

When you’re blogging then you aren’t just writing but the entire process is in your control right from the theme settings and layout to publishing your blog posts and installing widgets. You can either do all these things on the blog by yourself or hire someone to do it for you. The perfect scenario is to learn the basics of website optimization, SEO, Social Media, CSS, HTML, PHP, Analytics etc.  

Now that you have learned the benefits of blogging, it’s time to know how to create a blog in 5 easy steps while still at college.

You can choose a blog name by identifying your interests and topic in which you have enough knowledge based on your hobby, technical skills or personal insights. The name should be short and relevant. Once you have decided the name it’s time to register the domain name and choose the domain zone.

This requires two essential things – software and hosting. Choose the right hosting company such as Blue Host according to your needs and integrate your website with the software such as WordPress. This will help you to customize your website easily. 

Log in and select the appropriate theme. You can go to the customization section in “appearance” of your WordPress dashboard and edit the details based on your blog. Install helpful WordPress plugins to add security, analytics, social buttons, SEO, etc.

Go to the “Add New” section in your dashboard. Enter the title and content for the blog post. You can also add images in the “Add media” section. Add the SEO Title and Description in the Yoast plugin and improve the visibility of your posts in the search engines. Finally, publish the post.

You can promote your post on social media channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to increase the viewers to your blog. Measure the traffic in Google Analytics.

Happy Blogging!

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