
The Competitive Advantage of a Mobile-Enabled Workforce - ReadWrite

The Competitive Advantage of a Mobile-Enabled Workforce – ReadWrite

Even before we made a dramatic pivot to favoring remote work due to coronavirus (COVID-19), there was a shift to mobile workforces and BYOD underway. According to research conducted in October 2019, as many as 70% of U.S. employees were no longer sitting behind a desk every day, and there were already more than 92 […]

The Competitive Advantage of a Mobile-Enabled Workforce – ReadWrite Read More »

Webinar: SEO 2020: Your Competitive Advantage | Wednesday, April 29

WEBINAR DETAILS – Title: SEO 2020: Your Competitive Advantage Date + Time: Wednesday, April 29th at 11:00am To register, Abstract: As the economy and buyer behavior shifts, your digital strategy must shift too. Search engine optimization (SEO) – the strategy of helping a wider and more qualified audience find your company online through search

Webinar: SEO 2020: Your Competitive Advantage | Wednesday, April 29 Read More »

Expired Links offers an innovative tool to enhance scalable broken link building strategy

(MENAFN – GetNews) Leading provider of SEO solutions, Expired Links, helping individuals and businesses to take advantage of expired domains with authority links using their broken link building tool Expired Links currently offers an amazing tool that is designed to ensure an efficient and faster broken link building strategy, allowing users to find expired and

Expired Links offers an innovative tool to enhance scalable broken link building strategy Read More »

Taking advantage of voice search marketing

Today, voice responding technology can be found practically everywhere, from docked stations using Alexa, to computers through Cortana, and to smart phones with Siri. The prevalence of these pieces of software presents marketers with a surprising opportunity to reach prospective customers. What is Voice Search?  When people use voice search technology, they typically ask questions

Taking advantage of voice search marketing Read More »

Grazitti Predicts Five New Digital Marketing Trends to Take Advantage of During COVID-19

As a newly graduate pursuing a career in the advertising and marketing industries, I’ve found a newfound love for the digital segment of the industry. Now when I say digital, you may think of social media or digital advertising but it goes beyond that. Innovation has led the industry to develop and utilize tools like

Grazitti Predicts Five New Digital Marketing Trends to Take Advantage of During COVID-19 Read More »

Editor’s letter: How the coronavirus took advantage of humanity’s essential weakness

I am writing this on April 10, 2020. Twenty-five days have passed since San Francisco became the first US city to impose a stay-at-home order on its residents. It feels like six months. As the covid-19 pandemic has advanced across the planet at dizzying speed, economies and health-care systems have toppled like dominos. At this

Editor’s letter: How the coronavirus took advantage of humanity’s essential weakness Read More »

Setting Your (In)sights: Making the Competitive Advantage of Market Research Visible

Monday 30 March 2020, 7:00 am Customer insights professionals who live and breathe market research recognize the value their work can bring to their organization’s marketing, product development, and overall customer experience. But unfortunately, research is chronically underused in most companies, and leaders often view the insights function as a cost center rather than a

Setting Your (In)sights: Making the Competitive Advantage of Market Research Visible Read More »

Take Advantage of Your Empty Social Calendar to Get Ahead on SEO with This Tool

Take Advantage of Your Empty Social Calendar to Get Ahead on SEO with This Tool Just because you had to cancel dinners with clients, conferences, and in-person meetings doesn’t mean you can’t make big strides in your business while coronavirus keeps you homebound. Where should you start? How about organic search traffic, a crucial component

Take Advantage of Your Empty Social Calendar to Get Ahead on SEO with This Tool Read More »

Shopify revenue grew 47% in Q4 as merchants take advantage of new marketing capabilities

E-commerce provider Shopify reported [PDF] $505.2 million in revenue for the fourth quarter of 2019 on Wednesday, an increase of 47% compared to the fourth quarter of 2018. Annual revenues topped $1.57 billion in 2019, up 47% from 2018. The company attributes the growth to a number of factors, including additional of marketing capabilities available

Shopify revenue grew 47% in Q4 as merchants take advantage of new marketing capabilities Read More »

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