
Convert your Google Slide Presentations into Animated GIFs and Tweet

TallTweets was created in 2010 to get around the 140-character limit of Twitter. You could write a note of any length and TallTweets would squeeze it into a single tweet by posting your text as an image. Now that Twitter offers a native solution in the form of threaded tweets, it is time to pivot. Introducing […]

Convert your Google Slide Presentations into Animated GIFs and Tweet Read More »

What is pad thai? Google’s animated doodle shows what’s in the dish & how to make it

Today’s doodle takes a sharp turn from the usual doodle focus that pays homage to a person or holiday, and instead offers an animated ride through a pad thai recipe. According to the Google Doodle Blog, the doodle’s artwork was inspired by a doodle team member’s own research into cooking the dish from Thailand. “She

What is pad thai? Google’s animated doodle shows what’s in the dish & how to make it Read More »

Google Image Search adds badges for recipes, videos, products and animated images

Google announced they now will be showing badges on some images within their image search interface on mobile. Adding badges to images helps searchers understand any data behind the image that Google may have. Google said, “These badges will help you uncover images where next steps or more in-depth information is available — everything from

Google Image Search adds badges for recipes, videos, products and animated images Read More »

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