
Make your remarketing more effective and less annoying with call tracking data

Make your remarketing more effective and less annoying with call tracking data

It’s estimated that most Americans are exposed to around 4,000 to 10,000 ads each day. That’s a whole lot of opportunities to acquire new customers, and just as likely, annoy the everloving snot out of thousands of others. When you use remarketing to stay top-of-mind with customers, you’re walking a fine line between drawing in […]

Make your remarketing more effective and less annoying with call tracking data Read More »

Avoid Using These Annoying Words and Phrases in Your Business Email

A recent Perkbox Insights survey reveals 73% of businesses say email is their preferred method of communication in the workplace. However, the survey also says you should avoid using Clichés as well as annoying words and phrases in your email. Considering business email is an integral part of daily communications in the workforce, it is

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Google is bringing one of the web’s most annoying practices to Play Store

Autoplaying videos are one of the most divisive features on the web today, as websites blare out content regardless of your wishes. Now, it seems like the Google Play Store will be offering this functionality. Google noted on its Play Console Help portal (h/t: XDA-Developers) that it will be enabling autoplaying videos on the Google

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Create a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Annoying, Says Bombora VP

“It’s really about customer experience,” says Nirosha Methananda, VP of Marketing at Bombora. “I think that is something fundamental to marketing. I feel like we have gone down this path of almost over automating and having to constantly pounce on people without necessarily being conscious and mindful of what their experience is on the other

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How To Build A Personal Brand Without Being Annoying

Many entrepreneurs know they should build a “personal brand” yet resist doing it, because they fear it entails posting pictures of the perfect life they’re not yet leading on Instagram. Fortunately, there’s another way to do it, says Cynthia Johnson, co-founder of the branding agency Bell + Ivy in Los Angeles and Las Vegas, author of the new book Platform:

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Google Chrome’s filtering of ‘annoying’ ads will apply to sites worldwide starting in July

The 12 ad formats deemed particularly annoying based on the Coalition for Better Ads survey data. Source: Coalition for Better Ads Nearly a year ago, Google’s Chrome web browser began to roll out the ability to block, or filter, ads on publisher websites in North America and Europe that don’t meet the Better Ads Standards.

Google Chrome’s filtering of ‘annoying’ ads will apply to sites worldwide starting in July Read More »

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