
The Download: Saudi Arabia’s $1 billion plan to slow aging, and global energy turmoil

Anyone who has more money than they know what to do with eventually tries to cure aging. Google founder Larry Page has tried it. Jeff Bezos has tried it. Tech billionaires Larry Ellison and Peter Thiel have tried it. Now the oil-rich kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which has around as much money as all of

The Download: Saudi Arabia’s $1 billion plan to slow aging, and global energy turmoil Read More »

Amazon creates a $2 billion climate fund, as it struggles to cut its own emissions

Amazon launched a $2 billion venture fund to invest in companies developing ways to cut greenhouse-gas emissions, marking the latest corporate effort to allocate major resources to combating climate change. Investment areas: In a press release, Amazon said the new fund would focus on startups that could help it and other businesses achieve “net zero”

Amazon creates a $2 billion climate fund, as it struggles to cut its own emissions Read More »

Wirecard, a Payments Firm, Is Rocked by a Report of a Missing $2 Billion

Wirecard, a Germany company that soared in value in recent years as it provided a widening array of payment services around the world, was suddenly collapsing on Friday amid questions surrounding missing cash balances amounting to 1.9 billion euros, about $2.1 billion. The scandal caused an 80 percent plunge in the company’s stock price over

Wirecard, a Payments Firm, Is Rocked by a Report of a Missing $2 Billion Read More »

1 billion robocalls net $225M FCC fine that will likely never be collected

Getty Images | Juj Winn The Federal Communications Commission today proposed a $225 million fine for health-insurance telemarketers who “made approximately 1 billion spoofed robocalls across the country during the first four and a half months of 2019.” But the FCC’s track record in collecting on proposed fines is so poor that the fine is

1 billion robocalls net $225M FCC fine that will likely never be collected Read More »

$117 Billion Commercial Cleaning Services Industry Takes on New Importance Due to Coronavirus

This $117 billion U.S. business, which encompasses basic janitorial services, pest control, and other building maintenance, is huge but very competitive, comprised of mainly small operators, including 36,000 franchised outlets. Competitors run the gamut, from sole proprietors to giants such as ABM Industries with $6.5 billion in revenues. This is a low-investment business that’s easy

$117 Billion Commercial Cleaning Services Industry Takes on New Importance Due to Coronavirus Read More »

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