
Chapter 1: Blockchain Explained: The Ultimate Peer-to-Peer Network

The blockchain is pretty technical at its core, but essentially it’s a way for digital information to be stored and distributed, but not copied. It is the ultimate peer-to-peer network. The 90-second Blockchain Breakdown. Many years ago, music-sharing software Napster pioneered the way for the first of its kind – peer-to-peer file-sharing networks – and, […]

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5 Ways Blockchain Promises to Transform Marketing

Marketing is a risky business. We’re always looking for new means for capturing an audience, to enthral our clientele in ways they’ve never seen before. Some companies put shirtless dudes with big muscles on horses, others create blogs with great writing and engaging content, (wink wink). But, whether it’s a passion for the job or trying

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Positioning Your Company for the Blockchain Adoption Wave

Some have described blockchain technology as the “internet of money.” Yet many believe that only startup companies with ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) can use blockchain technology in their businesses. The thought process is that older, well-established companies have no need for it. However, Fortune 500 companies including Walmart, IBM, and Microsoft have all launched blockchain initiatives, hoping

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These Entrepreneurs Are Out to Tackle Startup Funding With the Blockchain

Matthew Lally and Jonahan Foltz know a little something about how hard it can be to acquire funding for a startup . Lally, an immigrant from the UK, founded a mobile marketing company that struggled for funding and was shortly after acquired for eight figures. Foltz, a nomadic serial entrepreneur” who’s sat at the helm

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Why Blockchain Entrepreneurs Need to Dispel These Myths

Blockchain has been hailed as a revolutionary technology, primed to forever alter everything from supply chain management to energy production to music rights management. It’s true that blockchain does have potential to change many industries. But that doesn’t mean it’s a panacea to world problems or lacks its own drawbacks, and pretending it’s a magic

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Mobiquity launches a blockchain layer for maintaining a data trail

Many blockchain projects in marketing or advertising are still in the stage of raising money, writing white papers or lining up partners. But mobile location data intelligence service Mobiquity Networks has launched a blockchain layer for its platform — and it has announced its first data customer for this new enhancement, attribution provider and current

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How to Use Blockchain and Big Data for Better Small Business Profits – Small Business Trends

In this age of the Internet of Things, the need for businesses to make data  driven decisions has become critical. The amount of consumer data available for analysis continues to grow exponentially, creating more opportunities for businesses to tap into it. Effective use of big data means better decision making and hence business profitability and

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Here’s What the Whole Blockchain Craze Can Teach Us About Market Differentiation

Indulge me in a little “back in my day” moment. When I was offered my first Head of Marketing role, it was in an industry I didn’t know, riddled with competition, and during the recession. And I walked ten miles each morning to get there, in the snow! (Just kidding) The project sounded pretty crazy,

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AI’s Hype Cycle Ahead of the Technology, Blockchain is Ready Now

It’s been way too long since my last conversation with SugarCRM CEO Larry Augustin for this series. CRM Technology Trends But with artificial intelligence, smart speakers, blockchain and  so many technologies capturing our collective attention, I was happy to catch up with Larry to ask him how CRM/customer engagement will be impacted by any or

AI’s Hype Cycle Ahead of the Technology, Blockchain is Ready Now Read More »

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