
Winter solstice 2017 Google doodle marks the shortest day of the year & official start of winter

Today’s winter solstice 2017 Google doodle brings back the animated mouse that has made an appearance on Google’s home page for each of the equinoxes and now both solstice dates. Previously, the mouse did some spring cleaning all the way back in March for the spring Equinox, enjoyed the sunlight on a summer day during

Winter solstice 2017 Google doodle marks the shortest day of the year & official start of winter Read More »

What you learn from talking with Google’s largest advertisers all day, every day

There’s a position at Google called “Chief Search Evangelist.” It’s evolved in the years since Fred Vallaeys filled that role, now focusing on meeting with our advertisers in person when they come to visit Google on-site. I think my job is pretty cool, but I must admit that the idea of talking search ads day-in,

What you learn from talking with Google’s largest advertisers all day, every day Read More »

The Usos Retain At WWE Clash Of Champions Against The New Day, Shelton Benjamin, Chad Gable, Rusev, Aiden English

The Usos retained their Smackdown tag team belts at WWE Clash of Champions in a match seeing them have to fight off The New Day, the team of Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable, and the team of Rusev and Aiden English. The Usos continue their dominance of the WWE Smackdown tag team roster. Jimmy and

The Usos Retain At WWE Clash Of Champions Against The New Day, Shelton Benjamin, Chad Gable, Rusev, Aiden English Read More »

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