
Announcing Virtual Event Planning 101 | SendGrid

As the world continues to navigate working virtually and at home, virtual events are now the norm. Whether you’re navigating daily meetings or large-scale conferences, knowing how to produce effective and engaging virtual events is essential.  Digital connection between people is important now more than ever, both inside your business and out. Our new resource,

Announcing Virtual Event Planning 101 | SendGrid Read More »

Why to choose 3D for your next virtual event

I love events and have spent the last several years traveling to support and speak at many different industry events.  At their core, they’re all about creating memorable experiences and bringing together communities to learn, network, and build relationships. Over the last few months, with work-from-home orders preventing in-person collaboration, we’re all more hungry for

Why to choose 3D for your next virtual event Read More »

PS5 games event debuts new Spider-Man, Horizon, Demon’s Souls remake and console design

The finale of the show was the unveiling of the PlayStation 5. Like the Xbox Series X, it was shown standing upright, though like the PS4 it can also be placed on its side. No pricing or release date information was shared. What follows is a series of updates provided by Launcher’s staff from the

PS5 games event debuts new Spider-Man, Horizon, Demon’s Souls remake and console design Read More »

Google Introduces New Schema.Org Event Properties: MoreVisibility

Kelcie Rivera – March 19, 2020 Around the world, gatherings of large groups (anything over 10 people) have been strongly advised against. This is impacting the status of many major events. Businesses and organizations are tasked with quickly deciding whether events should be moved online, canceled or postponed. To help support the speed and ease

Google Introduces New Schema.Org Event Properties: MoreVisibility Read More »

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