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Want to Give Your Employees a Simple Perk? Try a Summer Fridays Policy

Are you looking for an easy way to make your employees happy? Consider starting a “summer Friday” policy. More than four in 10 companies are doing so this summer, according to a survey by CEB — a 20 percent increase from 2015. The study defined “summer Friday” as any policy that gives employees all or part […]

Want to Give Your Employees a Simple Perk? Try a Summer Fridays Policy Read More »

Give Your SEO a Boost With These 12 Accessibility Improvements

‘); $(‘#scheader .sc-logo’).append(‘ ‘); $(‘#scheader’).append(”); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(‘ ‘+cat_head_params.sponsor+’ ‘); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(cat_head_params.sponsor_text); $(‘#scheader’).append(‘ ADVERTISEMENT ‘); } }); }); For those of you with a brick-and-mortar business location, you’re familiar with the concept of accessibility and why it’s a necessity for any company that intends to engage with the general public. In the United States, not accommodating

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How To Give Your Copywriting A Conversion-Focused Uplift [Examples]

​​ “Your readers should feel so compelled to read your copy that they cannot stop reading until they read all of it as if sliding down a slippery slide” – Joseph Sugarman Wikipedia defines copywriting as “the act of writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. The product, called copy,

How To Give Your Copywriting A Conversion-Focused Uplift [Examples] Read More »

What Will You Sell if You Give Away Your Best Blog Content for Free?

If you give away your best blogging content then what’s left to sell? It’s a very interesting question that a lot of bloggers worry about when it comes to deciding how they are going to make money from their blog in the short and long term. Many of us get concerned that if they post

What Will You Sell if You Give Away Your Best Blog Content for Free? Read More »

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