
Amazon is now testing ‘virtual healthcare’ for its employees is continuing to make waves in the healthcare market, as CNBC revealed Tuesday that the company is now offering virtual healthcare as a pilot project to its employees. Employees in Seattle as well as their families now have access to something called “Amazon Care.” If those people have an Amazon health insurance plan and work in

Amazon is now testing ‘virtual healthcare’ for its employees Read More »

Episode 3: Healthcare Security Systems

Visitor Management Systems for Healthcare Thomas Carnevale: Sometimes taking a little bit of process can help but use the human eyes and instincts in the right places to be successful. So I think any transitioning to Visitor management systems they know that’s something that’s kind of a hot plate for you right now. I don’t

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Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft’s influence in healthcare

The healthcare industry is undergoing a profound transformation. Costs are skyrocketing, consumer demand for more accessible care is growing rapidly, and healthcare companies are unable to keep up. Business Insider Intelligence Health organizations are increasingly turning to tech companies to facilitate this transformation in care delivery and lower health expenditures. The potential for tech-led digital

Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft’s influence in healthcare Read More »

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Examples, Pros/Cons & Future

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is commonly known for its ability to have machines perform tasks that are associated with the human mind – like problem solving. However, what’s less understood is how AI is being used within specific industries, such as healthcare. Artificial Intelligence is part of the Digital Health Ecosystem. Business Insider Intelligence The healthcare

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Four ways healthcare can improve customer experience

Healthcare companies can improve the patient experience and make healthcare work better for everyone. What can healthcare companies do to improve the US healthcare system? If you said almost everything, you’d probably be in line with many patients and doctors who want improvement, starting with streamlining the customer experience from the very first step: looking

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Healthcare systems face ongoing challenges with aging populations and chronic diseases on the rise

As the number of people in the world aged 60 and above more than doubles by 2050 from current levels, the planet’s aging population—along with a corresponding rise in chronic illness within the group—will pose a challenge to global healthcare systems. While healthcare stakeholders today face the daunting task of delivering quality services across

Healthcare systems face ongoing challenges with aging populations and chronic diseases on the rise Read More »

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