
Editor’s letter: How the coronavirus took advantage of humanity’s essential weakness

Editor’s letter: How the coronavirus took advantage of humanity’s essential weakness

I am writing this on April 10, 2020. Twenty-five days have passed since San Francisco became the first US city to impose a stay-at-home order on its residents. It feels like six months. As the covid-19 pandemic has advanced across the planet at dizzying speed, economies and health-care systems have toppled like dominos. At this […]

Editor’s letter: How the coronavirus took advantage of humanity’s essential weakness Read More »

Scientists recreate the face of humanity’s oldest direct ancestor

This is the face of a member of a proto-human species called MRD (Photo: CMNH / MattCrow / SWNS) The face an ancient ancestor who roamed the Earth 3.8 million years ago has been reconstructed from a remarkably preserved skull. Scientists simulated the face of a male member of an ape-like species called Australopithecus anamensis

Scientists recreate the face of humanity’s oldest direct ancestor Read More »

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