
Protecting Ever More Inboxes With a 99.99% Inbox Protection Rate in Q2 2019

Protecting Ever More Inboxes With a 99.99% Inbox Protection Rate in Q2 2019

Achieving Four 9’s of Protection for the World’s Email Ecosystem Twilio SendGrid’s 80,000+ paying customers generate more than 50 billion emails per month. When we reviewed the volume of email we process on behalf of our global customer base, it became apparent that we touch—on a rolling 90-day basis—half the world’s email users. A footprint […]

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Getting Inbox Attention is the Biggest Challenge for Email Marketers

The 2019 State of Email Marketing report reveals email is the most effective and widely used marketing channel available today. However, getting inbox attention still remains the biggest challenge for an email marketing campaign. The report says 45% of its respondents find the competition for attention in the inbox a challenge. Considering 293.6 billion emails

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3 Incredible Features on Google Inbox for Boosting Productivity

Google Inbox does a lot more than deliver emails. Your inbox can now include reminders, tasks, flight information, items you’ve purchased, photos and more. Imagine not having to switch between apps or sift through emails to find what you need-instead, it will be presented you in Google Now-styled cards in line with the message list.

3 Incredible Features on Google Inbox for Boosting Productivity Read More »

How to Use Right Inbox to Supercharge Your Gmail

We spend a lot of time on email. A lot of time = life. Managers, professionals, and other high-skill workers spend on average 28 percent of their working week managing their inbox. Use the Right Inbox for success and to supercharge your Gmail. For argument’s sake, let’s say it was possible to get all your

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Inbox Users, Which Email Service Did You Stick With? – Droid Life

Earlier this week, we pointed out that if you were somehow still using old, working versions of Google’s Inbox app, this week was likely your final week to do so. Google killed off most (or all of) the last few working builds, leaving you with no choice but to find a new email app. That

Inbox Users, Which Email Service Did You Stick With? – Droid Life Read More »

Study indicates drastic improvements to managed inbox optimization

Email optimization and deliverability are critical to our marketing programs, and a new report [registration required] from Return Path indicates that marketers are starting to pay closer to attention to the key factors that help their email reach the intended inboxes. Reaching the inbox continues to challenge marketers as bad actors continuously develop new methods

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What is Managed Inbox Optimization for email marketing?

This is the third installment in our series on marketing to the managed inbox. Reaching the managed inbox is a multi-layered process that involves a growing number of marketing resources and is more challenging than ever before. Thanks to the rise of malicious email practices, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have doubled-down on email security practices. It

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Reach the managed inbox with a proactive approach to email deliverability

Picture this: It’s the week before Thanksgiving. Your team has spent the past six weeks designing your Cyber Monday campaigns. You’ve identified your email targets, developed a segmentation strategy and started building the dozens of emails you’re sending. It’s business as usual until someone from your e-commerce team flags a steep decline in site traffic.

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Marketing to the managed inbox: Why digital marketers need to own deliverability

  Today’s digital marketers are facing unprecedented dilemmas when it comes to email marketing. Over the past 25 years, the adoption of email for personal and business use led to an increased volume of “batch-and-blast” emails. Illegal spam tactics targeting email users became more frequent and left users overwhelmed by managing their inboxes. In turn,

Marketing to the managed inbox: Why digital marketers need to own deliverability Read More »

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