
r/marketing - I've been creating content on LinkedIn for 1.5 years, I came to share my learnings.

r/marketing – I’ve been creating content on LinkedIn for 1.5 years, I came to share my learnings.

Hey Guys, I’m going to make it short and succinct. I invested a lot of time in LinkedIn content marketing and it is generating results so far. If you have a B2B product on a tight budget this miniguide can give you some ideas. Pros: Requires zero $, can bring customers and puts you in […]

r/marketing – I’ve been creating content on LinkedIn for 1.5 years, I came to share my learnings. Read More »

I’ve got a couple of weeks left on Kickstarter and I am looking into ways to get more exposure without spending money. But where should I focus my time? : marketing

Hello, I have a Kickstarter campaign running at the moment. It’s a 60 day campaign with about 20 days left. I am selling sunglasses that are made from upcycled denim. I had a major breakthrough after only a few days when a post on Reddit hit the front page and ended up in quite a

I’ve got a couple of weeks left on Kickstarter and I am looking into ways to get more exposure without spending money. But where should I focus my time? : marketing Read More »

#180: 7 Ways I’ve Collaborated with Friends & Influencers to Increase Profits

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: On today’s episode I’m going to walk you through seven collaborations that I’ve done over the years that range from my very first time collaborating, and even feeling a little shy (but learning so much!) all the way to collaborations with some of the biggest names in online

#180: 7 Ways I’ve Collaborated with Friends & Influencers to Increase Profits Read More »

I’ve created a label to stop you from chucking good food away

The average household wastes £800 worth of food per year in the UK(Picture: Mmuffin) As Greta Thunberg leads the conversation around the climate emergency, you may be wondering ‘what can I do to help?’. While there are many things we can do as individuals, such as switch to a green energy supplier or use our

I’ve created a label to stop you from chucking good food away Read More »

Jony Ive, iPhone Designer, To Leave Apple And Form Own Design Company

June 27 (Reuters) – Apple Inc said on Thursday that its Chief Design Officer Jony Ive will leave the iPhone maker later this year to form an independent design company, after spending nearly three decades with the technology company. Ives said his new company will be called “LoveFrom,” according to a Financial Times report, adding

Jony Ive, iPhone Designer, To Leave Apple And Form Own Design Company Read More »

I’ve Written 13 Video Scripts This Year—Here Are My 6 Best Tips

As a man who writes blog posts to feed himself, I feel qualified to make sweeping declarations about American society at large. For example: We, as a society, glorify impulsiveness. The ambitious, overworked mother who suddenly walks out of an important board meeting to spend some quality time with her young daughter. The hopelessly romantic

I’ve Written 13 Video Scripts This Year—Here Are My 6 Best Tips Read More »

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