
What To Consider When Searching For An SEO Partner For Your Law Firm

As a law firm marketing director, keeping the firm’s digital marketing strategy running smoothly through Google’s ever-changing terrain is not an easy feat. Your responsibilities are vast and varied, from managing budgets to organizing seminars, and you often don’t have the time or resources required to keep the law firm’s search engine optimization (SEO) strategy

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Will search engine optimization help get your law firm found? | Marketing Matters

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a necessary process that can be frustrating, time-consuming and brings results that test your patience. When working on SEO for a law firm, this is no different. There are steps you can take, however, to help speed the process along. Continue below to discover five tips our team at InnerAction

Will search engine optimization help get your law firm found? | Marketing Matters Read More »

How Law Firms Can React to a Shift Toward Voice Searches

The way people find products and services online is changing. Rather than typing a few words in a search screen box,  people ask questions of their voice assistants and other apps. Voice search began  with questions about the weather and directions. Now people ask Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortona and Google Assistant about anything,

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