
Facebook’s digital currency project just got a lot less audacious

Facebook’s digital currency project just got a lot less audacious

Remember Libra, Facebook’s plan to create a global digital currency? Unveiled last June, it was immediately met with resistance from policymakers and central bankers around the world. So, the team went back to the drawing board, and today it re-emerged with a new vision—one that is a lot less audacious than the original.  Here are […]

Facebook’s digital currency project just got a lot less audacious Read More »

Analyzing search results reveals a lot about Google’s view of useful content

Creating content is a process that has to get smarter all the time. Google is continually improving how it understands naturally expressed human language, as perfectly evidenced in its BERT update from last October. Google has said – and webmaster trends analyst John Mueller has echoed – that there is really nothing drastically new to

Analyzing search results reveals a lot about Google’s view of useful content Read More »

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