
What Kind of Marketer are You?

Cyndi Lauper and Cindy Crawford, two 80s icons who are still going strong. Though their styles and approach may be completely different, they’re both smart business women who’ve created brands that remain relevant and diverse 30-odd years later. The Tale of Two Cindies proves that women rock at any age. It also demonstrates that when

What Kind of Marketer are You? Read More »

Janet Peischel’s The Internet Marketer: Want to show up in search? Follow this SEO checklist | Janet Peischel

Good content developers have learned to write both for people and search engines, using solid data to reach their audiences. But search engines have gotten a lot smarter. They’ve moved beyond individual keywords—they’ve learned to understand context. But writers still need to understand and deploy sound search engine optimization (SEO) principles. Apply this SEO checklist

Janet Peischel’s The Internet Marketer: Want to show up in search? Follow this SEO checklist | Janet Peischel Read More »

The Social Media Content Calendar Template Every Marketer Needs [Free Template]

“We have a 9 a.m. meeting? Hold on — let me just click around the internet like a maniac to find something for the morning tweet.”  Sound familiar? Scrambling for social content is nothing new. We have meetings. We run late. Things come up. And it’s really hard to get any meaningful amount of work

The Social Media Content Calendar Template Every Marketer Needs [Free Template] Read More »

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