
How influential is social media

Does Social Media Matter in the B2B Purchase Journey?

Social media has transformed the entire sales funnel on a global scale.  Accessed anywhere, anytime – thanks to universal smartphone ownership – the original purpose of social networks has evolved. 10 years ago, people were actively sharing personal updates, thoughts and opinions with friends and family, but today, these platforms have taken on a more

Does Social Media Matter in the B2B Purchase Journey? Read More »

Why they matter so much in content strategy Search Engine Watch

If you work in digital marketing, you’ve probably heard the phrase “longtail keyword”. You might also know there’s some debate around what it actually means. Many believe keywords that are longtail mean they have a lot of words in them. It’s the difference between “swimming pools” and “swimming pool installation in Boca Raton, FL”, the

Why they matter so much in content strategy Search Engine Watch Read More »

How to Build an ABM Program like Salesforce (No Matter Your Readiness)

You’ve heard it before, and I’ll say it again. Account-based marketing is just good B2B marketing.  Of course we want to target the right people at the right companies at the right time with the right message. Sure, we want reach, but more importantly, we need accuracy. Lead-based demand gen isn’t cutting it anymore; marketers

How to Build an ABM Program like Salesforce (No Matter Your Readiness) Read More »

33 Facebook Stats Marketers That Matter to Marketers in 202

Facebook is the biggest of all the social networks, by far, based on just about every measure. But it’s a constantly evolving platform based on algorithm changes, new tools, and shifting demographics. Effective Facebook marketing requires an understanding of the latest Facebook statistics and how they apply to your social marketing strategy. Here, we dive

33 Facebook Stats Marketers That Matter to Marketers in 202 Read More »

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