
Why Email Data Quality Matters: Excellence from Expedia - Validity

Why Email Data Quality Matters: Excellence from Expedia – Validity

Our February 16 webinar on “Why Email Data Quality Matters” featured special guests Dan Goran from Expedia Group, plus Tim Bond from the Data & Marketing Association and Kate Barrett from eFocus Marketing. We reviewed key findings from our brand-new report, and discussed the critical importance of good data for building strong relationships and effective […]

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What happens before your team hits send matters. Here’s why. – Litmus

Creating perfect emails and getting them delivered error-free takes a lot of work. Most spend weeks producing an email, and the bigger the team, the longer the production cycle. So, what goes into getting an email ready to send? What we call the “pre” pillar of your email marketing program includes: Email conception and planning

What happens before your team hits send matters. Here’s why. – Litmus Read More »

Google SEO Techniques that Will Matters More in the Next Generation

In today’s digital world, search engine optimization sounds more in almost every business. Business owners show more interest in optimizing the websites to hold the top position in the search engine results. Until now, there are a plethora of SEO strategies that have yield better results for modern business. These SEO strategies are getting advanced according to

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Defense Against the Dark Arts: Why Negative SEO Matters, Even if Rankings Are Unaffected

Negative SEO can hurt your website and your work in search, even when your rankings are unaffected by it. In this week’s Whiteboard Friday, search expert Russ Jones dives into what negative SEO is, what it can affect beyond rankings, and tips on how to fight it. Click on the whiteboard image above to open a

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Search Intent: A great way to optimize your website | Marketing Matters

That’s why we believe it’s essential to understand one component that can help further improve your data collection to get high ranks on search engines — that is, search intent. Search intent is the reason why people search for a specific service, product, answer, etc. It gives you and your company additional insight into a

Search Intent: A great way to optimize your website | Marketing Matters Read More »

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