
Getting listed: how to generate more traffic and mentions

Directory submission is a tactic that has evolved dramatically since it first became known. Firstly, it is no longer referred to as a directory submission, simply because the term has received some negativity over the years. Secondly, the goals have changed: we no longer focus on link acquisition. When you come to think of it, the

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Using brand mentions and competitive linking tactics

Today I want to showcase a successful link-building campaign we conducted for a new website and walk through the process in the event others may learn and benefit from what we did. The situation This campaign launched in March 2017 and was done over six months. The website was five months old and had roughly

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How to use brand mentions for SEO, or the linkless future of link building

Google has used links to determine the authority of websites since its early days: the idea of webpages casting “votes” for other pages by linking to them is at the core of the PageRank algorithm. This led to the rise of numerous manipulative link tactics. Google reacted with the Penguin update and manual penalties; link

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Why linkless mentions are the future of link-building

Since the early days of search, Google has used links as a means of judging the reputation and relevance of webpages. The more links pointing to a particular page, particularly from other reputable pages, the more importance Google would award it in search. And so link-building developed as an SEO strategy, with SEOs doing everything

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Google bugs, Bing Ads conversions & Google local finder mentions

Barry Schwartz Barry Schwartz is Search Engine Land’s News Editor and owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics. Barry can be followed on social media at @rustybrick, +BarrySchwartz and Facebook. For more background information on Barry, see his full bio and

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Google local finder rolls out website mentions matching your query

Sergey Alakov first noticed that Google has begun rolling out the local finder website mentions that Google began testing earlier this month. Website mentions in the local finder show the searcher if their query, the search they used to bring up the local results in Google, matches any of the content found on the local

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Google local pack mentions, Google Shopping reports & PPC evals

Barry Schwartz Barry Schwartz is Search Engine Land’s News Editor and owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics. Barry can be followed on social media at @rustybrick, +BarrySchwartz and Facebook. For more background information on Barry, see his full bio and

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