
5 Powerful Newsletters That Teach More Than a College Degree

Which college graduation anniversary does this year mark? Your 5th, 10th, 20th, or more? Don’t worry, I won’t make you answer. The truth is: The answer doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that marketing and technology are advancing faster than ever. The demand to continue learning and growing never lets up as you work

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Segment with Tags and Send Broadcast Newsletters to Tagged Segments

It’s no secret that sending personalized emails is the best way to ensure the right content gets delivered to the people who want it most. It’s also no secret that the best way to do so is by sending targeted emails with contextual content to specific subscriber segments. Targeted emails can drive up to 77

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How to Write Email Newsletters People Open & Act On

Though a person receives an average of 88 emails a day, email is still widely regarded as one of the most effective marketing tools at our disposal. The average open rate for marketing email across all industries is around 24% and the average click-through rate is around 4% (or 11% of opened emails). Using those statistics,

How to Write Email Newsletters People Open & Act On Read More »

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