
SMX Overtime: Here’s how multi-location brands can manage their local listings

During my “Local presence management for multi-location brands” session at SMX East, attendees asked questions about review rankings, duplicate listings and pages and local franchise challenges so I wanted to take the time after the event. 1. I see a lot of companies with a small number of reviews ranking higher than other local companies

SMX Overtime: Here’s how multi-location brands can manage their local listings Read More »

SMX Overtime: When to use PPC automation (and when not to)

Account structures, cross channel attribution, smart bidding and automation reporting were among the many questions during SMX East’s roundtable, “How automation really works and when to use it.” I wanted to take the time to answer a few additional questions from attendees after the event. I understand it depends on the business, but how do

SMX Overtime: When to use PPC automation (and when not to) Read More »

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