
Looking to Grow Your Business? You’ve Probably Already Got the Right Person for the Job

By Paul Crowe When the first Blackberry phone was released in 2002, suddenly workers had access to emails on the go, and almost overnight, the business world was turned upside down. Five years after that, thanks to the innovative team at Apple, the first iPhone came out. Today, 81% of American adults own smartphones, and […]

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Cristiano Ronaldo Is The First Person To Reach 200 Million Followers On Instagram

Juventus players Cristiano Ronaldo and Miralem Pjanic gesture during a training session at JTC on … [+] January 30, 2020 in Turin, Italy. Juventus FC via Getty Images Soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo celebrated surpassing 200 million followers on Instagram with a photo montage on Wednesday. “Wow 200 million!!! Thank you to each and every one

Cristiano Ronaldo Is The First Person To Reach 200 Million Followers On Instagram Read More »

Chelsea Clinton says a person with a beard and penis can “absolutely” identify as a woman

During an interview with the Sunday Times, Chelsea Clinton made it clear her belief that gender is mostly in the mind. Chelsea answered “absolutely” when asked if someone with a bear and penis could be a woman. Her mother, Hillary was not nearly as sure. Dailymail reports it may appear Hillary and Chelsea Clinton always

Chelsea Clinton says a person with a beard and penis can “absolutely” identify as a woman Read More »

4 Crucial Reasons to Hire an HR Person for Your Small Business ASAP

4 Crucial Reasons to Hire an HR Person for Your Small Business ASAP There is nothing “small” about running a small business. From the wee hours of the morning to late-night hours, you likely spend more time running your business than anything else. Small business owners are often required to wear several hats: bookkeeper, public

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Skills you need to acquire to be a successful SEO person

For individuals who prefer being self-employed and use their skills to solve other business’s needs, freelancing is the best option. Freelancing holds lots of potentials as far as income is concerned. It might take some time to prove your worth, but once you succeed in impressing your employers through your work, there will be no

Skills you need to acquire to be a successful SEO person Read More »

Yoast SEO 11.3 lets you add an image of a person to its structured data graph

Yoast’s latest plugin update lets webmasters include an image, avatar or logo in its structured data graph and adds a new filter that can be used to disable link indexation. It also announced that it will be pulling support for versions of WordPress below 5.2 as soon as 5.3 is released. An image, photo or

Yoast SEO 11.3 lets you add an image of a person to its structured data graph Read More »

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