
Dragonfly: What we know about Google’s possible plans to re-enter China’s search market

Last month I wrote about China’s search market, how it is dominated by Baidu, and how that dominance is threatened by mobile-only disruptors such as Shenma. While Shenma continues to build on its growth since being launched back in 2014, there have been news reports in the past few months suggesting Google may also be […]

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Report: Google plans to re-enter China with government-approved search app

According to a report in The Intercept, Google is going to formally re-enter the Chinese search market. The company reportedly is going to offer censorship of keywords and topics deemed sensitive by the Chinese government, including “human rights, democracy, religion, and peaceful protest.” Apparently, talks between Google and Chinese officials have been ongoing for some

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Facebook Plans to Roll Out a New Influencer Marketplace Platform, Expanding Collaboration Options

With influencer marketing on the rise, and with Facebook trying to find new ways to lure more influential creators to their network (particularly video publishers), The Social Network is now working on a new influencer marketplace platform, which would enable brands to find relevant influencers based on specific characteristics, then organize deals to help them

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Google Upgrades Its Paid Storage Plans with More Options

On Monday, Google announced updates to its paid storage plans under Google Drive. Called Google One, customers will have access to expanded storage at lower price points, plus a bevy of other benefits. With Google One, consumers can get 100GB and 200 GB of storage for monthly fees of $1.99 and $2.99, respectively. The 2TB

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What are the Best Enterprise-Level Hosting Plans for WordPress?

Home / Hosting / What are the Best Enterprise-Level Hosting Plans for WordPress? Where does one go when in need of some seriously top-quality/enterprise-level hosting for WordPress? When you have a website with potentially millions of monthly visitors and a business that you simply can’t afford to host with anything but the best company in

What are the Best Enterprise-Level Hosting Plans for WordPress? Read More »

Dropbox Announces Plans to Integrate Google G Suite Tools into Its Platform

One of the minor inconveniences plaguing the modern day workplace is the proliferation of different apps and tools that might not be totally compatible with each other. Thankfully, users of both Dropbox and Google Suite will have it easier in the near future as cross-platform integration is in the works.Dropbox recently announced that it plans

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eBay Plans to Add AR Features to Enhance Shopping Experience

eBay is on a quest to make shopping more interactive and enjoyable by incorporating augmented reality into the buying process. The company has even tapped the services of expert data scientist Jan Pedersen to ensure that they’re on the right track. In a bid to provide their clients with a better shopping experience, eBay is

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